I thought I was getting a little tired, but people like EJ Antoni of the Heritage Foundation, WisGOP, and Steve Kopits reaffirmed my belief in how much work remains.
The WIsconsin GOP claims Wisconsin is in a recession using the second quarter rule (which no longer applies to revised data).
WisGOP Can’t Count
There’s a reason we don’t declare recessions based on GDP an awful lot of the time.
Figure 1: Wisconsin GDP, latest vintage (blue) and as of January 2024 (tan), both in bn.Ch.2017$ SAAR. Search for: BEA.
Zero Hedge uses: very Dictionary A specific definition of real interest rate.
ZeroHedge is focused on adaptive expectations
Think before you report surprising numbers!
Math is hard!
The black and white truth:
Best amendment *ever*
I don’t understand how some people can look at a graph and “not see” the obvious.
“You have to look pretty hard to find a ‘trade war’ effect in the data.”
Bonus: Best graphics
Maury Obstfeld: “Trump’s plan for the Fed and the dollar is a one-way ticket back to the inflationary chaos of the 1970s.”
Grocery price evaluations from someone who has never grocery shopped before.
“Food costs are doubled, tripled, quadrupled… ”
What on earth is “QCES”? And pay attention to the footnotes. Whether the series is adapted seasonally.
Nativism applies to economics as practiced by Heritage.
The Great Alternative “Theory” * Appeared in Heritage Economics
This is my first time coming across Oren Cass’ article on trading…
“It’s like having no economic education at all…”
Ready for next time Journal of non-reproducible results.
Recession after 2022? The magic asterisk-mystery meat-special sauce approach to national income accounting.
Updated article: No, we haven’t had a recession since 2022.
I am sure!
Russian Central Bank telegram account: “Everything will be fine.”
Another article from X-FIles – Statistics Edition:
DiMartino Booth: “We know that many government statisticians are very left-wing in nature…”
Looking forward to 2025, I’ll be looking at Heritage, ZeroHedge, and more examples of bad analysis to use as case studies in my statistics classes.