Written by Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Dear readers, I was taking pictures today and as I stepped back to get the subject right, my feet felt empty. Then I fell backwards onto the concrete walkway. I was fine because I wrapped my body around the camera when I fell, but I sprained my back badly. Not sitting at my desk. So I’m going to get some real painkillers from the pharmacy and stay in bed. I have to get back into form starting tomorrow. Meanwhile, this is a public thread. –Lambert
plant contacts: Dear readers, please feel free to contact Lambert. [UNDERSCORE] stretcher [DOT] Corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com to find out (a) how to send me a check if you’re allergic to PayPal and (b) how to send me an image of a plant. Vegetables are okay! Fungi, mosses, and corals are considered honorary plants! If you want your handle to be credited, type it in parentheses at the beginning of your email: (so). Otherwise, we will use your initials to anonymize it. See our previous water coolers (with plants) here. In CG:
This is bee balm. Bee balm is one of my favorite flowers. Hummingbirds love it and it’s invasive, so plant a little and get a lot. Bee balm also allows me to demonstrate one of the few pieces of plant knowledge I actually have. Bee balm has a square stem, so it belongs to the mint family.
The following is a screen with useful comments added.
If you don’t like PayPal, please email Lambert. [UNDERSCORE] stretcher [DOT] Corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] Please contact us at com and we will guide you on how to send a check. thank you!