- – Eat whole grains as much as possible. When you eat whole grains that are packed with nutrients, your body will know how much to eat and how much not to eat. Your body is a wonderful machine, so you don’t need to count calories. When you eat the right nutrients, you will maintain your ideal weight, have enough energy, and feel good. Eating highly processed, empty-calorie foods will leave you hungry all the time because your body is trying to get the nutrients it needs.
- – Drink water, the best weight loss supplement known to mankind. Most people do not know the difference between hunger and thirst. In many cases, people eat when they should. If you drink enough water, you will most likely not feel hungry. It can quench thirst, which is often confused with hunger. Water also helps you digest food better. Drinking water before a meal will make you feel full.

- – Always chew your food well. Chewing your food well helps you get the most nutrients from your food. When you get the most nutrients, your body feels satisfied and you eat less. Another benefit of chewing well is that it helps with digestion.
- – Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Large meals overwhelm your digestive system, making it work harder. If you take too much time between meals, you will feel hungrier the next time you eat.

– Increase your physical activity. Most people are overweight because they are not physically active. Walk more, ride your bike, take your dog for longer walks, swim, dance, and leave your car at home if possible. It is important to choose a physical activity that you enjoy because you can continue doing it. Choosing an activity just because it burns a lot of calories can be a mistake.
Published by May Healthy Lifestyle