If you follow fitness influencers on social media, you’ve probably heard them sing the praises of protein, no matter what kind of nutrition plan they follow.
Even if you’re not connected to Instagram and TikTok, you’ve probably heard of them. Protein is one of the essential nutrients you need. For overall health.
Eating protein-rich, high-energy foods throughout the day may help with weight gain. muscle mass preservation, Keep me full longer, and Stabilize your blood sugar levels All day.
With so many benefits, it’s no wonder fitness experts show so much love for protein.
If you’re looking to add a little more protein to your meals throughout the day, registered dietitian and MyFitnessPal scientific advisor Erin Palinski-Wade recommends nine high-protein foods to fuel you.
How does protein affect energy levels?
Protein is one of the macronutrients your body needs to keep it running at its best.
“Eating quality protein at every meal and snack spaced out throughout the day is a great way to optimize your energy levels,” says Palinski-Wade.
Studies have shown that eating a high-protein diet helps maintain muscle mass. balanced energy levels on your body. It might also help. weight lossMuscle function and muscle growth.
“Protein slows the digestion of carbohydrates, providing a more stable energy balance throughout the day. Protein also helps suppress hunger and cravings, and helps prevent cravings for simple sugars that can lead to energy crashes during the day,” Palinski-Wade confirms.
Food and energy are closely related. Carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates, play an important role in: energy production.
Combining complex carbohydrates with good sources of protein and fat Stay energized Stay energized for longer, all day long.
Top 9 High-Protein Foods for Energy, Recommended by Nutritionists
High-quality protein is a powerful force for your health. So what are good sources of protein in food?
Here are nine great energy foods everyone can try, including options for vegans.
1. Eggs: Consume essential amino acids
Eggs are a complete protein with an impressive nutritional profile.
Not only does it contain all the essential amino acids our bodies need, but one large egg contains only 71 calories and 6.3 calories. protein grams.
“Starting your day with high-quality protein within an hour of waking can help maintain steady energy and appetite for the day ahead,” says Palinski-Wade.
Eating eggs for breakfast is an easy way to get protein. There are so many delicious ways to cook them and it only takes a few minutes to make them.
Here are some recipes you can try:
2. Beans and Legumes: Benefits of Plant Protein
Beans and legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and edamame are rich sources of plant-based protein.
These high-fiber, high-protein foods complex carbohydratesThat means it takes longer to digest and doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar.
Necessary for healthy adults 25-30 grams You consume fiber per day, but most people only consume about half of that.
Fun facts: Track nutrients like fiber and protein. MyFitnessPal App We help approximately 1 million members achieve their nutrition and fitness goals each year.
3. Fatty Fish: Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids
oily fishFish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
These healthy fats are essential for your well-being! May improve heart health and lower inflammation. Both can support optimal energy levels.
The body cannot produce omega-3, so it is important to eat foods that contain it.
4. Almonds: Enjoy sustained energy all day long
Looking for a natural energy booster? Try some almonds!
“Almonds are a good source of protein, healthy fats and fiber, which help provide sustained energy throughout the day,” says Palinski-Wade.
Studies show that snacking on almonds may also be beneficial. maintain a healthy weight. Because it is rich in nutrients, it can keep you satisfied for a long time while lowering your blood sugar levels.
It is also a good source of magnesium. prevent fatigue.
5. Greek yogurt: More energy and probiotics
Greek Yogurt It has twice the protein of regular yogurt and has less sugar and sodium. This is a good source of gut-healthy probiotics and is often easier for people to digest. Because it’s so crowded protein and complex carbohydratesDigesting yogurt slowly helps maintain energy.
You can add it to a variety of dishes! Try some of these recipes:
6. Quinoa: Get a complete protein with complex carbohydrates
Quinoa is types of seeds It can replace carbohydrates such as rice or pasta or be used as a side to a variety of dishes. It is a plant-based complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids you need.
Because quinoa is a complex carbohydrate, it releases energy more slowly than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates take longer for your body to digest.
Additionally, quinoa 8g protein, 5g fiber Gluten free.
7. Oats: Slow-release energy benefits
Oats are a great energy food to enjoy at any time of day. Another complex carbohydrate, Your body digests oats slowly It then slowly releases the energy.
Oats whole grainshave 26g protein Rich in fiber per dry cup.
Some people are hesitant to eat oats because they remember the lumpy hot cereal from their childhood. To help you, MyFitnessPal has a treasure trove of healthy and delicious oat recipes.
8. Chia Seeds: Balance Blood Sugar
“With a balance of protein, fiber, and fat, chia seeds can provide balanced blood sugar, providing steady energy levels,” says Palinski-Wade.
only 2.5 1 tablespoon chia seeds Contains 5 grams of protein, 10 grams of fiber, and 8 grams of heart-healthy fat.
Chia seeds are a vegan protein source that can be added to almost anything, including salads, oats, and smoothies. Chia pudding is also a great choice for a protein-rich breakfast or snack.
Recipes you might like: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/pbj-coconut-chia-pudding/
9. Spelt: Enjoy long-lasting energy all day long
It is spelled as follows ancient grainsThis is a whole grain that hasn’t changed much over the centuries.
Whole grains are great for boosting energy because they take a long time to digest. Spelled in particular has a ton of it. 25g protein Per dry cup, it contains a good mix of complex carbohydrates and fiber.
This grain works great on top of salads, mixed into stews, or even as part of a stir-fry. Don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen!

Adding high-quality protein to each meal can help you reach your daily goals.
“For consistent, long-term energy, focus on high-quality protein at each meal and snack rather than eating most of your protein at just one meal,” says Palinski-Wade.
To help you monitor how much protein you are eating at each meal, Track your intake with MyFitnessPal. This way, you can see in real time how close you are to reaching your daily goal with each meal and snack.