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A cozy corner shared by 9 readers

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Cup of Jo readers share their cozy corners.

“My dog ​​Ruby sleeps on the kitchen table because that’s the only place she can see my car coming up the driveway,” says Elizabeth of Charlottesville, Virginia. “My neighbors always look for Ruby in their windows when they pass by. This kind of dedication brings me so much joy.” Below, eight Cup of Jo readers share their cozy nooks and crannies…

A cozy corner for Cup of Jo readers

“We are an art-loving family and have always been concerned with how to showcase as much as possible. ikea shelf It was a game changer! And that sofa was in our family room when I was growing up. It’s been over 40 years old, and my mom has been on it for all three of her pregnancies. It was so special to be able to nap on it before we had our son last October.” — Meredith, Tampa, Florida

Cup of Joe Leader Cozy Corner

“We live in a 150-year-old house, and the top-floor guest room has become my favorite getaway. The ceilings are low, everything is white and pale blue, and the furniture is from my childhood bedroom. Spending an afternoon there feels like coming home, wrapped in that nostalgia. My kids love having sleepovers or reading on rainy days in the corner, and we’ve dubbed it our ‘tippy top B&B.’” — Heather, Macon, Ga.

“All three of my dogs nap on this couch. I love being with them and reading a good book after a long day.” — Shay from Nashville, Tennessee

A cozy corner for Cup of Jo readers

“I put a lot of thought into making my home feel inviting, adding window seats, books, art, blankets, pillows, and even a disco ball (thanks to CoJ for the idea and source!). Nothing makes me happier than when my friends tell me how cozy it is.” — Megan, Portland, Oregon

“I always dreamed of a dining nook with built-in benches and last year I made it happen! It’s now where my two kids wake up in bed, have breakfast, have dinner and talk about the best and worst of their day, and where a surprising number of people gather for dinner parties.” — Tess, Perth, Australia

A cozy corner for Cup of Jo readers

“My favorite place is our sunroom. Watching the seasons change is magical, especially the giant old trees that breathe with the weather. There’s nothing better than having my morning coffee there and watching the world wake up.” — Kimberly, Portland, Oregon

Nina Cozy Corner

“I bought this postcard shelf at a flea market and filled it with old postcards from my parents, friends, and other family members. All the messages are happy, because people are traveling or exploring museums. Whenever I’m feeling down, I turn to the shelf and read a postcard. It reminds me that someone was thinking of me at that moment. It makes me feel endlessly better.” — Nina from Fort Collins, Colorado

A cozy corner for Cup of Jo readers

“I’ve moved every year since 2018, but this past winter I finally settled into a place that I feel safe and can live in for as long as I want. One afternoon, I found my 8-year-old dog, Twyla, basking in the sun on a piece of used furniture that had been remixed from so many apartments. I think we both had that same moment of, ‘Hey, buddy, you’re home.’” — Kelsey, Providence, Rhode Island

Thank you all! I love you so much.

PS Many readers have shared their favorite corners, and one reader’s husband created an introverted corner for her.

(Meredith’s photo Caitlin Rose Photo.)

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