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A felon in the Oval Office will test the American system.

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new york times: “Whatever the rules Americans think they are are now being rewritten by Donald Trump, a once and perhaps future president who has already broken many barriers and precedents. “34 felonies are not automatically disqualifying, and the idea that a convicted criminal can be a candidate for commander-in-chief overturns 250 years of assumptions about American democracy.”

“And this raises fundamental questions about the limits of President Trump’s power in his second term. If he wins, that means he will avoid two impeachments, four criminal indictments, civil convictions for sexual abuse and business fraud, and a felony conviction. Given that, it would be difficult to imagine what kind of institutional deterrence could curb abuse or excess.”

Moreover, the judiciary may not be able to check the executive branch as it did in the past,” he said.

CBS News: After the Trump ruling, the presidential election entered uncharted territory.

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