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AI is a revolutionary new factor of production

7 Min Read

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly emerging as a transformative force reshaping industries and economies around the world. This disruptive technology automates tasks, enhances human capabilities, and opens new horizons for innovation and productivity. As AI continues to penetrate a variety of sectors, it is increasingly recognized as a critical and revolutionary new factor of production that is poised to drive economic growth and redefine the contours of the global outlook.

Traditional production factors such as land, labor, and capital have historically been the driving force of economic growth. Land containing natural resources provided raw materials for production. Labor, human effort, technology; capital, necessary tools, machinery and infrastructure. However, the emergence of AI challenges these long-standing paradigms and introduces new elements with unique capabilities and potential.

AI as a new factor of production: infographic on economic impact.

Economic impact of AI as a factor of production

According to estimates by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), AI is expected to make a huge contribution. $15.7 trillion By 2030, the size of the world economy will be larger than the current production of China and India combined. This economic significance demonstrates the transformative power of AI as a factor of production.

Unlike traditional elements, AI is not a finite resource. It can be continually improved, replicated, and expanded across geographic and physical limitations. Moreover, AI’s ability to learn, adapt, and evolve sets it apart from traditional tools and machines, blurring the lines between production resources and active participants in the production process.

AI drives economic growth and innovation

In addition to its direct contribution to GDP, AI promotes economic growth and fosters innovation through a variety of channels. It is estimated that by 2030, as much as 45% of the economic benefits from AI will come from product improvements resulting from this technology. AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate insights allows companies to develop new products, optimize existing products, and improve customer experiences.

The impact of AI on the labor market is an ongoing debate, with experts weighing the risk of job displacement versus the potential for job creation. The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that AI could create 97 million new jobs in 26 countries by 2025. However, this could potentially displace around 85 million jobs, so it is important to take proactive steps to reskill and upskill your workforce. This gives workers the ability to adapt to changing job demands.

Likewise, Accenture estimates that AI-based technologies could increase labor productivity by up to 40% across 16 industries by 2035. This highlights the potential of AI to enhance human capabilities, streamline processes, and drive efficiency, ultimately contributing to economic growth and competitiveness.

AI’s unique capabilities as a factor of production are also evident in its ability to foster entirely new industries and production methods. For example, the field of generative AI, which includes technologies like ChatGPT, has challenged traditional models of production and creativity by opening new avenues for content creation, design, and problem solving. Likewise, the integration of AI into manufacturing processes enables the development of highly customized and personalized products, revolutionizing the way products are produced and consumed.

Rapidly growing AI chip market

The booming AI chip market signals the growing economic importance of AI. globally, according to Insight Partners. AI chip market is expected to reach $83.25 billion by 2027, growing at an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35%. Increasing demand for AI applications in automotive, healthcare, and information technology sectors is accelerating this market. Developing specialized AI chips is essential to power advanced AI systems, enable faster computations, and optimize performance to drive innovation and economic growth.

AI innovation industry

The transformative impact of AI is evident across a variety of industries, reshaping business models, driving innovation, and creating new market opportunities. For example, the healthcare sector is witnessing an AI-led revolution. The AI ​​market drug discovery According to MarketsAndMarkets, it is expected to exceed $4 billion by 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40.2%. AI has the potential to speed up drug discovery by analyzing massive amounts of data, identifying patterns, and generating insights. This can lead to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.

The automotive industry is also experiencing tremendous change as AI paves the way for self-driving cars. Statista estimates that by 2030, one in ten cars worldwide will be self-driving, contributing $13.7 billion to the economy. This shift toward autonomous transportation has the potential to revolutionize mobility, improve safety, and open up new economic opportunities.

The financial sector is not immune to the disruptive impact of AI. Accenture predicts that AI tools will improve. banking profits An increase of $1 billion within 3 years. AI’s ability to streamline operations, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences is poised to drive growth and innovation in the financial services industry.


The global economic outlook is rapidly changing as AI emerges as a factor of production. With its ability to augment human capabilities, drive innovation, and open new horizons in productivity, AI is poised to significantly contribute to economic growth and transformation across industries.

Embracing the potential of AI while addressing issues such as job displacement and ethics is critical to inclusive growth. Through proactive action and an enabling environment, countries and industries can create a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future, driving unprecedented global growth and innovation.

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