TMZ Studios
There’s a scary application for AI… a system that implants memories into the human brain of things people have never actually experienced. It may be happening now… or it may happen in the near future.
TMZ Studios’ new series “Strange & Suspicious” covers stories that are unexplained and downright bizarre. Like the possibility of using computers to replace correctional officers, or going to prison altogether. Stay tuned… it’s not as outrageous as it seems.
Tech companies are working on AI projects that implant false memories deep inside people’s brains, which could theoretically be used against convicted criminals.
Instead of sending criminals to prison for decades, AI memory implant devices could help. feel and remember Going to jail for a crime… even if you’re only detained for a few days instead of actually being punished.

But as our team points out in ‘S&S’… this could upset America’s prison industrial complex, open the door to a whole host of other applications, and create a very slippery slope for AI and criminal justice.
The police can already get false confessions out of people… could they do the same thing using this possible AI technology?!? Some in this group think it’s definitely possible.

TMZ Studios
Now, here are some fun ideas… like someone getting memories of their marriage and divorce without going through the whole process. Hey, at least in that scenario, there’d be a lot of sex memories to look forward to!!!
“Strange and Suspicious” … explores the pros and cons of AI and other scary topics. Click here I want to see when it airs.