The flame between the water droplets may have begun life as we know.
Shutter Stock/Ferry Corel
The first molecule required for the life on Earth was created when the small “fine” flicker between a drop of water triggered the chemical reaction required.
“This is a new way to think about how life building blocks are formed. Richard Zare At Stanford University in California.
Our knowledge of the origin of life had continuous holes, especially how simple gas reacted to produce organic molecules that combined carbon and nitrogen, such as protein and enzymes, and the creatures we knew know the life we know.
Zare said, “When people think that they are in the early Earth, they do not contain carbon nitrogen bonds. “They are the same gas as methane, water, ammonia and nitrogen.”
experiment Stanley Miller and Harold In 1952, electricity said that electricity could change electricity and such gas into organic molecules that needed water, but their hypothesis was that electrical energy came from lightning.
But hitting a high concentration of gas in the dilution of the sea or the atmosphere, which is unlikely to lighten, means that many people are not convinced that they are behind the emergence of life on the planet about 4 billion years ago.
Zare and his colleagues now have water droplets on the mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and nitrogen gas, and showed that organic molecules can be formed by carbon nitrogen bonds that do not require external electrical sources.
Zare says it works because the water spray’s liquid enemy produces a small charge. “Small liquid is loaded with sound, and large drops are positive,” he says. This is called the Lenard Effect, which collides with water droplets such as water droplets of the waterfall and breaks up.
However, the team found using a high -speed camera was when the charged droplets were close enough, when the small electric jump called Micro Light Ning became close enough.
It is very similar to the way the static electricity is generated, or lightning is accumulated in the clouds. “When water droplets enter each other, they get an electric field and this electric field breaks down,” he said.
To ensure that gas molecules lose electrons and react with each other, the flash of about 12 electronic bolts (about 12 electronic bolts) produces organic molecules with hydrogen-nitrogen binding, one of the components of RNA.
“It is surprising that a small gang can begin with nitrogen and start chemistry. But the reported observation is convincing. ” Veronica At Colorado University. “This provides a new and unprecedented role of water from the origin of life.”
This work means that a small flame made by colliding with waves or waterfalls was enough to provide chemicals needed to begin life in this planet, Zare says.
Water spray is everywhere and often lands on rocks, and organic chemicals can be accumulated in the gap, he said. Then the area is dry and wet again. Such wet dry cycles are known to combine or polymerize shorter molecules into longer molecules.
“This study would have been rich in small supply in the initial water resource environment, and in particular, if there was a lack of other energy sources such as lightning or UV radiation, they may have led the pre -biotick chemistry.” Kumar Banka In the National Chemical Laboratory in Pune, India.
Vaida thinks that works affect the finding alien life, and often finds that water exists in other planets or moons. We may have to find a place where small water droplets can collide, she said.
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