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Amazing Superfood – Red Cabbage Sprouts

11 Min Read

Editor’s note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published on December 26, 2016.

According to science, red cabbage sprouts contain 40 times more vitamin E and 6 times more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than the same vegetable as a fully mature plant. They are less likely to catch colds and have less inflammation.

Microgreens represent a young category in the world of healthy nutrition. When you grow your own vegetables and see the tender, young plants sprouting from the ground, you will be amazed to learn that they are not only good to harvest when they are only a week or two old, but they also have great health benefits.

The vitamins in fully grown vegetables are delivered to your body to boost your nutrition, but eating these mini greens can also help prevent weight gain and reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Red cabbage microgreens contain more polyphenols and glucosinolates, which help optimize cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides in the liver, as shown in a rat study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland.

Animal studies1 It was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Science Daily reported:

“To test their hypothesis, the researchers used mice, a model of obesity. These animals are also prone to developing other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The team divided 60 of these mice into different diet groups.

They were fed either a low-fat or high-fat diet, with or without red cabbage microgreens or mature red cabbage. Both the microgreens and mature cabbage diets reduced weight gain in mice fed the high-fat diet.”2

Are the nutrients in other microgreens superior to those in fully grown microgreens?

A similar study was conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).3 But they used 25 commercially available bean sprouts instead of just one. According to the study, until just a few years ago, there was no scientific data showing that bean sprouts were nutritionally different from the mature plant.

But it was already known in 2010.4 Even though the little spinach was only a few weeks old, it had more nutrients than the bigger spinach.

A USDA study found that first-time bean sprout eaters who put them on their plates experienced “a surprisingly intense flavor, vibrant color, and crunchy texture.” [which] They can also be used as edible garnishes or as new salad ingredients.”

Besides red cabbage, the other 24 cotyledons (typically the first embryonic leaves of a seedling) the researchers examined included cilantro, garnet amaranth and greens. radish All of the radishes were high in ascorbic acid, carotenoids, phylloquinone, and tocopherol, each of which contained additional antioxidant properties.

According to another article, cilantro microgreens contain three times more beta-carotene than mature cilantro and are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin.5 Golden pea shoots and popcorn sprouts contain lower concentrations of nutritional benefits compared to other microgreens.6

When the smallest green plant packs a bigger punch

Scientists involved in the University of Maryland study admitted they were “really surprised” by the results from the study on red cabbage sprout nutrients. “Some of the numbers were really, really high,” said Zhenlei Xiao, Ph.D., one of the study’s authors. “I thought it might have been a mistake, but I double-checked it several times and it wasn’t a mistake.”7

But the real-world benefits are undeniable. In a University of Maryland press release, the authors note that microgreens’ high levels of vitamins C, E, and K are important for optimal health.8

Generally speaking, here are some amazing benefits you can get from eating almost any vegetable, from sweet potatoes to turnips: Brussels sproutsMicrogreens will provide you with higher nutritional benefits overall. Here are some facts from Care2 about how eating microgreens can benefit you.9

  • The protein quality of many vegetables improves when they are sprouted. It changes during the “wet and wait” process of waiting for sprouting. Lysine, which kicks cold sores, is an example of an amino acid that becomes more powerful when sprouted.
  • Vitamins A, B complex, C, and E increase in the potency of sprouted foods, sometimes by up to 20% in just a few days after sprouting. In fact, mung bean sprouts increase vitamin B1 by up to 285%, vitamin B2 by up to 515%, and niacin by up to 256%.
  • Essential fatty acids also increase during the sprouting process.
  • Minerals bind to proteins to increase their bioavailability. Alkaline minerals like calcium help balance body chemistry for weight loss and overall health.
  • Many diseases, including cancer, are linked to excessive acidity in the body, but bean sprouts neutralize acidity by alkalizing the body.

Get microgreen sprouts from your own garden or kitchen

If you’ve ever seen microgreens in the produce section of a supermarket or restaurant, you’ve probably been shocked by their price. With prices ranging from $25 to $50 per pound, people end up eating less.10

But there is a great way to solve this problem. Grow your own! You won’t believe how easy it is. And not to mention it’s quick, it’ll do your body a lot of good. In fact, whether you grow it in your backyard or on your kitchen windowsill, it’s one of the best values ​​you can get when it comes to “boosting” your nutrition.

If grown in soil, you will harvest sprouts in about a week. One pound of seeds will probably produce 10 pounds or more of sprouts. A 10×10 tray will yield up to 2 pounds of sunflower sprouts, which will keep in the refrigerator for about a week. However, fresh is always better. Best of all, unlike traditional gardens, growing microgreens will give you a harvest of food in just one to two weeks from the time you start the process!

Red Cabbage Sprouts – The Biggest Explosion in Nutrition

Red cabbage is rich in the amino acid L-glutamine, which helps heal the soft tissues that line the intestines. This is especially valuable for people with conditions such as leaky gut, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis.

Like the green variety, red cabbage can be steamed, sautéed, or fermented, the latter adding enzymes and beneficial bacteria to promote gut health. Red cabbage sprouts are great in salads or smoothies. Cabbage of both colors contains healthy amounts of:



Folic acid







Vitamin K

The vitamins, minerals and compounds contained in red cabbage strengthen the immune system, protect vision, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, prevent ulcers, prevent premature aging, aid in weight loss and ensure healthy bone development.

The phytonutrients and other compounds are too numerous to list, but antioxidants such as anthocyanins and indole, the source of the purple color, are invaluable to health. One of the most important benefits is its ability to prevent cancer. Organic Facts states that all of the antioxidants in red cabbage are:

“… [M]It is very important as a preventive measure. Antioxidants are substances that can neutralize free radicals, which are harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism. These free radicals are the cause of many serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

The rich color is a testament to how powerful this vegetable is for overall health. The indole in red cabbage has been linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer in women in several studies. Vitamin A has also been linked to a reduced risk of lung cancer.”11

Sprouting Health – Notes on Microgreens

Microgreens vary in size. Broccoli sprouts, for example, are slightly smaller than sunflower sprouts. Broccoli sprouts also deliver an impressive number of super nutrients and provide several valuable enzymes that help detoxify environmental pollutants such as benzene and protect against chemical carcinogens.

Of all the sprouted vegetables, watercress is likely the most nutrient-dense, outperforming both broccoli and sunflower sprouts in nutrient density tests. According to a review published in 1997, sprouts overall:

“They contain about 100 times more enzymes than fresh fruits and vegetables… A large amount of inducers of enzymes that protect against carcinogens can be provided in the diet by eating small amounts of young cruciferous sprouts, which contain 10 to 100 times more inducer activity than the mature vegetables.”12

Notice about cabbage sprouts

Cabbage sprouts are often touted for their impressive health benefits, but it’s important to approach them with caution. This nutrient-dense powerhouse can be a double-edged sword for many people, especially those with compromised gut health. The very compounds that make cabbage sprouts so beneficial (such as sulfur-containing glucosinolates) can be difficult for sensitive digestive systems to process.

Many people find that they cannot comfortably tolerate cabbage sprouts until they take steps to heal and balance their gut microbiome. This is a topic I explore in depth in my new book, “The Guide to Cellular Health,” where I discuss strategies for improving gut health and gradually introducing foods like cabbage sprouts. Remember, optimal nutrition is not just about eating “superfoods,” it’s about eating the right foods for your individual body and current health.

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