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Americans can look past sexual assault. Just don’t hurt the dog.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Spreading conspiracy theories, A fool who hates facts People who spread lies about vaccines directly led to the death of children. But he is still politically perceptive enough Vanity Fair On July 2nd, an article was published claiming that Kennedy had eaten dog. hastened to deny it.

While Kennedy may have denied eating the dog, he did not deny the other part of the Vanity Fair article, namely the claim that he sexually assaulted his former nanny. In fact, Kennedy confirmed the story and seemed to find the whole thing funny.

“I’m not a churchgoer,” Kennedy told the host.The decisive point“I have a lot of secrets in my closet,” he added on the podcast.

Over the past few days, news articles about Kennedy have focused on: His approval ratings are in the polls and his engagement 9/11 conspiracy theory. Of course, there were a few more stories about Kennedy. He denied that he ate the dog.. Here’s what seems to escape any investigation: different The scandalous claims exposed by Vanity Fair.

America, or at least the American media, seems more interested in dead dogs than living women who are victims of sexual assault.

As South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem vividly demonstrated, you A terrible person Who is it It’s terrible for people And you can get away with it. But if you kill a dog, the country will notice. Noem’s political prospects have been very good since she was hired. Hells Angels She was banned from even setting foot on the property after threatening protesters and being rude to indigenous people. one fifth of the country She has to rule. But one little story about the pleasure she gets from shooting a bad dog, and then all of a sudden A woman was once considered a candidate for vice president. politically marginalized.

Dogs get instant empathy.

But as for the other half of the RFK Jr. story: Full exchange From that “Breaking Points” interview:

Host: Vanity Fair published a major profile today, and I want to give you a chance to respond. There’s a photo going around, and you’re posing with a dog or something, and it looks like you’re with a roasted dog. I’m not going to show you that photo. I love dogs, and I know you have pets. And one of your former nannies has come forward with allegations of sexual assault. So I want to give you a chance to respond.

KENNEDY: The article is garbage. The picture they said I was eating dog is actually of me eating goat in Patagonia years ago when I was rafting the Futaleupu River. They have an expert who confirmed that it was a dog carcass. It’s not true. You know, as for the other claims, listen, I’ve said this from the beginning. I’m not a churchgoer. I’m not running for office. I was—I was a very, very violent youth. I said in my announcement speech that I had so many skeletons in my closet that if everyone could vote, I could run for king of the world. So, Vanity Fair is recycling a 30-year-old story, and I’m not going to go into any of the details of that. But, you know, I am me.

This is not a rejection. This is the opposite Injustice. This is trivializing sexual assault. aggressive. As a byproduct of youth. As “boys are just boys.”

The nanny story actually took place in 1998, so Kennedy’s story is about four years off. But His Age, Kennedy was 44 at the time. Does anyone really believe that a 44-year-old married man represents “dissolute youth”?

He is not alone in thinking that Kennedy’s deeply troubling behavior has gone largely unnoticed.

Donald Trump convicted criminal A man convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records to protect his 2016 campaign. That’s a real crime. It’s shocking that a former occupant of the White House has been convicted of a felony, and it’s no wonder that Democratic campaigns and pundits alike are eager to use the label “convicted felon” when discussing Trump.

But he is also a man who has been tried on charges of sexual abuse.

like Washington Post As we reported a year ago, the judge in the case, Louis Kaplan, sharply criticized the jury’s finding that Trump had only “groped” author E. Jean Carroll.

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of New York’s criminal law does not mean that the jury failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her, as many people commonly understand that word,” Kaplan wrote. “Indeed, as the trial evidence discussed below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump did, in fact, do exactly that.”

Why is Trump simply a fact? Convicted Sexual Abuser What is rarely mentioned when talking about why he should not run? His criminal convictions are bad and should definitely be disqualified. But This should be the case too.

A dead dog can stop someone from running for high office, but it seems that no matter how many living women are victims of sexual assault, they can be overlooked or minimized as a youthful prank. What guys talk about in the locker room.

No matter how much we all love dogs, there seems to be something odd about them.

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