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An integrated data informatics approach for multimodal research.

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Data informatics in drug research must integrate data from diverse sources and accommodate researchers from multiple disciplines.

teahe term biological agent It refers to a type of therapeutic agent produced using living organisms.One Biologics have been used clinically for over 100 years, but their importance Growing exponentially Over the past few decades. This popularity has been fueled by advances in cell culture, gene editing, and recombinant technologies that have greatly expanded the capacity for biologic discovery and mass production.2

Benefits of Multimodality

The biological agent itself more complexIt goes beyond simply producing naturally occurring macromolecules and altering or modifying them to increase efficiency or more specific targeting.three Today’s biologics are complex. That is, it integrates or combines several individual elements to improve functionality. for example, Antibody-binding drugs While it combines the specific targeting of antibodies with the cytotoxicity of small molecule drugs; Chemically modified peptides It has modified parts designed to change or enhance its functionality.4,5 In fact, biological components can cover everything from cells to proteins and nucleic acids, and their production and delivery can also include viruses, bacteria, and nanoparticles.

Combination drugs can offer significant advantages in terms of bioavailability, duration of action, target specificity, efficacy, and production efficiency. However, producing complex drugs requires interdisciplinary collaboration. Complex drug manufacturing may require experts in pharmacology, biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, biotechnology, and nanomaterials engineering, to name a few possibilities. However, scientists in different disciplines tend to work independently of one another, and each discipline develops its own standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to note taking, data collection, and data management, as well as workflows.

digital data solutions

good record keeping It is essential to maintain experiment consistency and enable accurate data analysis.6 These are two absolutely important things in biopharmaceutical research and manufacturing. digitalization Good record keeping is essential for aggregating, collating and organizing data from various sources and storing it in various formats. This ultimately promoted digitalization. Finding value in digitalization goes beyond simply changing knowledge storage media. many labs Now it’s your turn Streamline operations by leveraging Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). An ELN is a system designed to create, store, retrieve, and share electronic records in accordance with legal, regulatory, technical, and scientific requirements, while a LIMS serves as a digital tool for sample, inventory, workflow, SOP, and data management.6,7

Digitalization has undoubtedly helped streamline workflows, research and manufacturing, while also leading to the development of a large and diverse host of different ELN and LIMS options. Without a well-defined gold standard, not only can two disciplines differ when choosing a preferred data management software system, but their systems may also be incompatible, making it difficult to transfer data from one discipline to the other. Moreover, software may not be compatible in different areas. Suites designed to process small molecule databases may not be able to process information about peptides and macromolecules. As a result, moving data from one part of a multimodal project to another remains problematic.

Laboratory informatics integration

Scientists are working to solve these problems. A new laboratory informatics platform can manage and track items across multiple disciplines. For example, the Sapio Sciences platform Multimodal corporation registration, a single system that can manage data on natural and non-natural biological products, including all forms of conjugates, peptides, and small molecules. Additionally, the system automatically tracks entity and component part lineage throughout the workflow at a per-sample level. As a result, Sapio Sciences’ informatics platform operates as both a LIMS and an ELN, and its multimodal object registration capabilities mean that specific therapeutic objects can be entered into the platform and viewed in the most appropriate way by system users (e.g., as molecules or as HELMs). (using the Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) viewer). The platform is also fully integrated with Sapio Sciences’ existing platforms. Rims and electronic study notes platform. It’s also completely cloud-based, so all you need is a modern web browser to use it.

Sapio Sciences’ state-of-the-art laboratory informatics software suite with multimodal object registration capabilities strives to avoid silos, enable integration, and provide flexibility in drug discovery, research, and development. Evolving disease research landscape.


  1. Rivers L, Furczon E. This is an introduction to biological products and biosimilars. Part 1: Biologics: What are biologics and where do they come from?CPJ. 2010;143(3):134-139.
  2. Morrow T, Pelcon LH. Defining the Difference: What Makes Biologics Unique?. biotechnologyhealthc. 2004;1(4):24-9.
  3. Wang L, et al. Therapeutic peptides: current applications and future directions.. Sig Transduct Target Ther. 2022;7:48.
  4. Fu Z, et al. Antibody drug conjugates: ‘biological missiles’ for targeted cancer treatment. sig Transduct Target there. 2022;7:93.
  5. Naowarojna N, et al. Chemical modification of proteins and application in metalloenzyme research. Synth Syst Biotechnology. 2021;6(1):32-49.
  6. Argento N. Deploy ELN/LIMS for Institutions: A highly customizable ELN/LIMS platform, the cornerstone of digital transformation for life sciences research institutions.. embo representative. 2020:4;21(3):e49862.
  7. Machina HK, Wild DJ. Strategies for Integrating Laboratory Informatics Tools for Drug Discovery: Integrating LIMS, ELN, CDS, and SDMS. J Lab Autom. 2013;18(2):126-36.
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