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Bankers will be roasted for greenwashing

2 Min Read

Update (May 16): The House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development formally subpoenaed the bank CEOs on June 13.!

The CEOs initially declined an invitation to answer questions related to the commission’s inquiry into the environmental and climate impacts of the financial system, preferring instead to send representatives from industry associations. As an ExxonMobil lobbyist Recognized by video During an undercover Greenpeace operation, the company sends industry association representatives to political hearings to “whip” CEOs so they don’t have to answer difficult questions.

It’s good news that the committee heard our demands and summoned CEOs to testify. Now we need your help to convince committee members to ask the tough questions on our behalf.

Contact Environment Committee Chair Francis Scarpaleggia at 613-995-8281 or[email protected]> Demand real answers from banks about what they are doing to address climate-destroying financial practices.

This hearing took place at a very important moment:

We are at a critical moment for climate. A dollar spent on fossil fuels is a dollar too many.

Bank CEOs are among the highest-paid people in America, so they must be prepared to take responsibility for their decisions. It is important for the CEO to be present and answer questions from elected representatives. under oath If necessary – so please contact the Committee and urge them to use the powers they have to subpoena the bankers on our behalf and force them to answer for those decisions.

We cannot achieve our climate goals unless we stop financing climate chaos!

Contact Environment Committee Chair Francis Scarpaleggia at 613-995-8281 or[email protected]> Demand real answers from banks about what they are doing to address climate-destroying financial practices.

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