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Benefits of Fermented Beets

12 Min Read

Editor’s note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published on December 26, 2016.

bit And raw beet juice is usually recommended in limited quantities because of its high sugar content. However, when fermented, beets are one of the healthiest vegetables, as most of the sugar is absorbed by the beneficial bacteria during the fermentation process, while the other health-promoting compounds remain intact.

Fermented foods are also full of probiotics, or good bacteria. Many studies have shown how the ideal balance and diversity of gut bacteria form the basis of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and fermented beet juice has many additional benefits beyond probiotics.

Raw beets promote heart health

For example, raw beets have been shown to lower blood pressure by an average of four to five points in just a few hours.1 These effects are possible thanks to the nitrates naturally present in beets, which are converted into nitric oxide in the body.2

Nitric oxide relaxes and dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. In fact, nitrates are used medically to treat angina and congestive heart failure, and studies have shown that a glass of beet juice has the same effect as prescription nitrates.3

Competitive athletes also use beet juice for its nitric oxide-boosting benefits. Studies have shown that raw beets can increase endurance during exercise by up to 16 percent.4 Effect due to increased nitric oxide.

In another study,5 Nine patients diagnosed with heart failure who experienced decreased muscle strength and exercise capacity were found to benefit from beet juice.

Patients were given 140 milliliters (mL) (about 2/3 cup) of concentrated beet juice, and subsequent tests showed an immediate increase in muscle mass of nearly 13 percent, on average.

One important thing to note is to avoid using mouthwash or gum, as these can interfere with the conversion of nitric oxide.6 This is because nitrates are converted to nitrites in the saliva by friendly bacteria. Those nitrites are then converted to nitric oxide elsewhere in the body.

Betaine, which is naturally present in beets, reduces inflammation and protects against environmental stressors that may contribute to heart disease.

Beets have powerful immune-boosting and anti-cancer properties

The phytonutrient that gives beets their deep crimson color also has powerful anticancer properties, study finds7 Beetroot extract has been shown to reduce multiorgan tumor formation in various animal models when administered in drinking water. Beetroot extract is also being studied for use in treating pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer in humans.8

Additionally, raw beets can boost immune function thanks to their high vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and manganese, while their betalain pigment and sulfur-containing amino acids support the body’s phase 2 detoxification process. Traditionally, beets have been valued for their ability to purify the blood and liver.

Rich in folic acid, a B vitamin, beets reduce the risk of stroke and are an excellent food for pregnant women. Folic acid is essential for many bodily processes, and deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects. The blood-purifying properties of beet kvass can also relieve nausea.

Why ferment beets?

Fermenting beets instead of eating them raw allows you to reap all the health benefits of raw beets. Fermentation makes raw beets more bioavailable, and you also get the beneficial bacteria and enzymes that are produced during fermentation.

In addition to pickled beets and beets, Sauerkraut,9 Fermented beet juice, known as beet kvass10 It is gaining popularity in the West. Beet kvass has been used for a long time in Russia, Ukraine and other Eastern European countries, and is consumed therapeutically as a general health tonic. It is also commonly added to soups, sauces and vinaigrettes.

Traditionally, beet kvass has been used to boost immune function, purify the blood, fight fatigue, and treat kidney stones, chemical sensitivities, allergies, and digestive problems. Anecdotal reports suggest that beet kvass may also improve the appearance of age spots, thicken hair, and minimize graying.

A 2015 animal study found that fermented beet juice had gastrointestinal benefits, improving gut microbiota and metabolic activity.11

Because of its detoxifying properties, don’t drink too much when you first start out, as this can cause excessive release of toxins, which can lead to bloating, constipation, and/or cold or flu symptoms.

As a general rule of thumb, start with one ounce per day and gradually increase to an eight-ounce glass per day. In severe cases, you may need to start with one tablespoon.

Simple Beet Kvass Recipe

You can find several beet kvass recipes online. Here’s one from

Ingredients List

  • Cut 2 large organic raw beets into 1-inch cubes. Do not grind them, as this will release too much sugar. If they are organic, you do not need to peel them, as the skins contain a lot of bacteria that promote fermentation. If you are using conventionally grown beets, it is recommended that you peel them to avoid pesticide residues.
  • 3 tablespoons sauerkraut juice or pickle juice.
  • Pure, filtered water, freshly squeezed beet juice, or a combination of beet juice and pure water. Tap water contaminated with chlorine or other chemicals will not work, as the chemicals will inhibit fermentation and instead cause spoilage. If you use tap water, boil it first and let it cool before using.
  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon natural unrefined salt (such as sea salt) or your favorite salt Himalayan saltSalt prevents bad bacteria from forming, but too much can make your drink taste bad.

Place the beets in a large mason jar and fill the jar about 1/3 full. Add the sauerkraut or pickle juice, salt, and water or beet juice, leaving 2 inches of space between the top of the liquid and the lid. Close the lid tightly and shake well to dissolve the salt.

Store at room temperature for 3-5 days. In winter, when room temperature is colder, the fermentation process can take up to 7 days. Keep the lid tightly closed, but remember to release the pressure daily.

If foam, bubbles or mold appear, simply skim off the top with a spoon. Taste test daily and, when the kvass tastes good, place it in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. When the carbonic acid bubbles rise to the top, it is ready.

Other suggestions and recommendations

If you wish, you can filter the liquid into a clean bottle to separate the kvass from the beets. As for storage, studies have shown that lacto-fermented beet kvass retains its antioxidant properties for up to 30 days when refrigerated.13 Of course, beets can be eaten, or they can be reused to make kvass.

Beets make a great addition to traditional borscht soup, and kvass can be used to pickle boiled eggs. Some beet kvass recipes call for the use of whey.14 But it’s not really necessary and adds more steps and time to the process. It can also add flavor.15 Examples include raisins, strawberries, freshly squeezed orange juice, apples, carrots, lavender, fresh or dried mint leaves, cinnamon or ginger.

Choose organic or traditional beets and eat the leaves too

Whether you juice, eat raw, or ferment your beets, I highly recommend buying organic beets. Like many other crops, most beets grown in the United States are now genetically engineered (GE). Edible beets are not currently GE, but they are often grown in close proximity to sugar beets, and cross-pollination has been known to occur. So when choosing beets to eat, choose organic varieties whenever possible to avoid the possibility of GE contamination.

Also, beets are easy to grow, so you can buy heirloom beet seeds yourself. The many nutrients and real health benefits that beets provide are worth it. In addition to beets, Beet leaves It also provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of fiber, with 1.41 grams per cup. It also contains vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, and antioxidants.16

The high content of vitamin K in beet greens includes blood clotting properties, helps prevent aging, supports DNA, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, works with calcium to increase bone strength, and even plays a role in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Beet greens contain more iron than spinach and are more nutritious than the vegetable itself.17 Besides eating young beet greens in salads or stir-fries, juicing them is a great way to get all these nutrients.

Raw beets and beet kvass can help with your ailments

As you can see, beets have a variety of health benefits. If you suffer from high blood pressure or heart failure, try raw beet juice or beet kvass and see what happens. If you notice an increase in blood pressure or endurance after drinking the juice, you are in good hands.

If you have diabetes or are insulin resistant, carefully monitor how raw beet juice affects your overall health and factor that into how often you consume it. Moderation is generally best.

Using beet kvass seems like a much better option, as much of the sugar is removed during the fermentation process. This drink can have a beneficial effect on diabetes and many other health problems, especially those caused by intestinal dysfunction, by providing beneficial bacteria, and this list is quite long, because it is difficult to maintain optimal health if the intestinal microflora is not healthy.

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