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Biden, Harris Announce New Measures to Reduce Gun Violence

6 Min Read

President Biden is expected to sign an executive order outlining additional steps to reduce gun violence, and the administration is also taking steps to reduce trauma among students who receive active shooter training.

What Does Biden’s Latest Gun Violence Executive Order Mean?

The executive order has two different policies, one related to firearms and the other related to active shooter training.

According to a White House fact sheet:

President Biden Signing Executive Orders to Accelerate Progress on Two Key Priorities
Combat emerging gun threats and improve active shooter training in schools.

Combating the New Gun Threat: In April 2021, one of the Biden-Harris administration’s first executive actions to reduce gun violence was to address the emerging threat of unlicensed firearms, often referred to as “ghost guns.” To expand this effort, ATF established the Emerging Threats Center. The center focuses ATF’s resources on trends in the illegal firearms market, including new technologies for creating undetectable firearms and devices that illegally distribute them, as well as devices that convert semi-automatic firearms into illegal machine guns. Now, President Biden and Vice President Harris are taking additional action to address two new gun threats: machine gun conversion devices and unlicensed 3D-printed firearms.

• The machine gun conversion device allows for a semi-automatic firearm. Easy to include
Concealed handguns can match or exceed the rate of fire of many military machine guns with a single pull of the trigger. They can fire up to 20 rounds per second. The ATF has recovered 5,454 of these devices from 2017 to 2021, a 570% increase over the past five years. Machine gun conversion devices are illegal to possess under federal law, but they continue to show up at crime scenes because they are small, cheap, and easy to install. Machine gun conversion devices are often illegally imported or illegally 3D printed using computer code found online. 3D printing a machine gun conversion device costs only 40 cents and takes less than 30 minutes.

• 3D printed firearms without serial numbers could be used for illegal purposes, such as illegal firearm trafficking.
Illegal possession by a person convicted of a felony or a victim of domestic violence
Prohibition order or illegally engaging in the business of manufacturing or selling
Firearms. These guns are 3D printable and downloaded from computer code.
Produced without serial numbers, which are used by the Internet and law enforcement to track firearms
Recovered from criminal investigations. Some 3D printed firearms can be made as follows:
It is also undetectable by magnetometers used for security in airports, courthouses, and event spaces.
However, these undetectable firearms are illegal to manufacture, sell, or possess under federal law.
3D printing technology continues to rapidly develop, and safety threats posed by 3D printing are being raised.
The number of guns may increase suddenly.

What Is the White House Doing About Active Shooter Training?

Steph Feldman, director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Protection, spoke to PoliticusUSA about the White House’s move to implement active shooter training:

Most schools currently use training to prepare for active shooter situations, but there is very limited research and methodology on how to design and deploy these training exercises to maximize their effectiveness and limit the collateral damage they can cause. Many parents, students, and educators have expressed concerns in the Executive Order about the trauma that some approaches to these trainings can cause. President Biden is directing the Secretaries of Education and Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Surgeon General of the United States, to develop and release information on school-based active shooter training within 110 days.

This includes a summary of existing research and gaps in the research. The goal is to help schools improve training to better prepare for active shooter situations, while also preventing or minimizing trauma that may result from poorly executed training.

Biden Continues to Take Action to Save Lives

President Joe Biden is not sitting back and wasting his time in office. Biden continues to take action to save lives.

Biden could also potentially set the table and get the ball rolling if he wins the election over President Biden Harris. Harris could build on what her former boss has accomplished, because the goal isn’t to score political points. The goal is to save lives and prevent American families from losing their loved ones.

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