The short chain fatty acid (SCFA) plays an important role in human health, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. They are produced in colons through the bacterial fermentation of the fiber.
This fermentation process converts complex carbohydrates into a variety of SCFAs, including acetate, propionate and bootyrates with distinct physiological effects, respectively. Among them, the butyrate stands out as a unique characteristic that increases metabolism.
Booty Rate Primer -A metabolic power plant that fuels the intestine
According to a study published in pharmacology research,1 The butyrate shows that the metabolic health is promoted by improving weight and composition, lipid profiles, insulin sensitivity and blood sugar in the animal model of Mets. [metabolic syndrome]”But that’s not all boosting for your metabolism. The researchers also mentioned:
“Study in the test emphasizes the effects of buttyrate on intestinal cells, adipose tissue, skeletal muscles, hepatic cells, pancreatic islands and blood vessels, emphasizing genes and paths that can contribute to beneficial effects.The effects of bootyrates in this cell are mainly beneficial. The result is a reactor as well as an epigenetic effect as a histon de acetylase inhibitor.2
Fiber is essential for booty production, but to get the benefits of fiber, a healthy intestinal microbial cluster is required. As discussed in my recent book “Cellular Health,” most of the population has been exposed to metabolic poison and the microorganisms have been damaged.
In these objects, high fibrous intake fuels pathogenic bacteria to exacerbate existing problems, creating my toxins that damage cell energy and overall health. Later, you can explain why this happens and process fibers in a way that supports health by explaining the strategy to restore intestinal health.
Bootyrate is the source of the ideal nutrition of the intestine.
Unlike most of the body of the body that depends on glucose to energy, colon cells prefer bootyrates. This special metabolic adaptation emphasizes the role of bootyrate to maintain the health and function of the colon epithelial.
Bootyrates are concentrated and transported with colon cells through multiple mechanisms, including passive diffusion and activity transport through other cell membrane transport.3 When you enter the colon cells, the bootyrate suffers from beta oxidation within the power plant in the mitochondria.
This metabolic route breaks the butyrate into acetyl -CoA to produce ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.4 This process is quite efficient, providing up to 70% to 80% colon cells of energy demand, which is larger than other energy substrates such as glue or glutamine.5
This efficient energy utilization is the most important for maintaining colon cell health.6 In addition, as the primary fuel source of colon cells, the role of bootyrate contributes to the ability to remove oxygen from the colon, which helps to create an ideal environment for beneficial intestinal bacteria to grow.7
The effect of bootyrate on the barrier function
The barrier, which is a dynamic and complex structure consisting of a single layer epithelial cell connected to a hard junction with a protective mucus layer, plays an important role in selectively regulating the substance passing between the intestinal and blood flow.
It allows for absorption of essential nutrients and prevents the inflow of harmful bacteria, toxins and undigested food particles. But how exactly protected? As described in the paper published in clinical nutrition:8
“Bootyrates strengthen the barriers by targeting three complementary elements: hard junction, mucus layer and antibacterial peptide. Many hard junction proteins are raised by bootyrates (eg, TJP1, Claudin 7, Cadherin Rats of rats in 1, TJP1, TJP1, Cadherin.
The hard junction protein 1 (TJP1; ZO1, which is previously named) is especially important because it is commonly used as a marker of intestinal permeability and is commonly used. In contrast, Claudin 2, a solid conjugation protein that forms a gap channel and contributes to leak barriers, is lowered by bootyrate.
In addition to changing the expression of a hard junction protein, the butyrate activates the AMPK to promote solid conjugation assembly, reducing the permeability of the colon cancer cell fault. “
As mentioned earlier, the absorption of butyrate by colon cells also strengthens the colon to prevent inflammation and immunity activation.9 According to a 2021 study published in the metabolic product, the disorder of the intestinal wall function is involved in various gastrointestinal disorders and metabolic diseases.10
Effects on bootyrates and inflammation
Bootyrates have become famous for its powerful anti -inflammatory agents, which are applied through various complex mechanisms. Studies published in the immune network11 It explains how the butyrate works on inflammation to protect the metabolic health.
“Bootyrates can reduce inflammation by inhibiting pathological growth, increasing mucosal barriers, encouraging anaerobic bacterial dominance and reducing the possibility of oxygen in the intestines.
Bootyrates can also reduce excessive inflammation by regulating immune cells, such as increasing the function of M2 -type cells, increasing the function of regulatory T cells, and inhibiting infiltration caused by neutrophils. “12
Bootyrates systematically affect obesity
Studies published in the journal GUT13 Bootyrates show that they fight obesity by affecting energy consumption. When absorption in the colon, the bootyrate causes other parts of the body, such as muscles, liver and fat deposits (white and brown), increasing energy consumption.
The researchers also observed that bootyrates improve fat oxidation and reduce fat accumulation in the body. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the intake of food by controlling the appetite control path of the intestines and the brain to contribute to healthy weight management.
As the author reported14 “Bootyrate is a ship [brown adipose tissue]. “
A meta -analysis published in the frontier of endocrinology that supports these discoveries15 Bootyrates show that they have a clear and positive effect on weight management, fat and obesity -related glucose. Based on the reviewed research, the butyrate improved fasting glucose and insulin levels, preventing the development of insulin resistance and reducing plasma triglyceride levels. According to this study:16
“BUTYRATE reduced lipid accumulation by adjusting the liver mitochondrial function, reducing liver mitochondrial energy efficiency and improving the ability of mitochondria to use fat as metabolic fuel.
Booty’s short -term oral administration can ease dietary obesity in the mouse by stimulating mitochondrial function in skeletal muscles. Bootyrates have also been reported to increase the number of mitochondria in the skeletal muscles. “
Similarly, a study published in molecules17 Butyrate helped to manage your weight by suppressing your appetite. In addition, they found that bootyrates helped to solve obese metabolic disorders by promoting liver function. “[Butyrate] The researchers can inhibit hypercollestemia by adjusting the expression of nine major genes involved in the long cholesterol biosynthetic paths, ”said researchers.18
Dietary fiber helps to produce bootyrates, but there is a warning.
As you can see in special studies, bootyrates are much more than just metabolic by -products. It acts as an energy source preferred to colon cells, strengthens barriers, weakens metabolic health, regulates insulin sensitivity, fights inflammation, and helps to control appetite.
In essence, butyrate plays an essential role in maintaining intestinal health and overall welfare. However, it is recommended to be recommended during the increase in booty production through the intervention, such as increasing fiber intake. This assumes that it has a place that functions properly.
As discussed in my book “Guide to Cell Health”, it is very unproductive to consume high fiber to simply promote SCFA production for those who have damaged intestinal health. why? When ingesting fiber as an unbalanced intestinal microbial cluster, bad bacteria (bacteria in oxygen) produce internal toxins that ferment fiber and weaken metabolism and cell function.
In order to truly benefit from a high fiber diet, you must first heal and seal the intestines so that the beneficial bacteria can thrive. Getting enough carbohydrates is an important part of the process.
Build a ship from the beginning
Most adults need about 200 to 250 grams of carbohydrates in healthy and unprocessed sources such as fruits and vegetables. However, if the intestines are severely damaged, it is recommended to start the built -in healing with deck stroth water. Mix pure dextros with water and drink slowly to avoid spikes of insulin levels.
After 1 to 2 weeks, start with the entire fruit and white rice and start converting to more and more complex carbohydrates.
Ripe full fruits provide essential nutrients, healthy carbohydrates and this fiber, which provides fibers to produce buttyrate and other SCFAs. As a bonus, bowel movements will be more regular.
How do you know if the problem is a healthy chapter? As described in the “Guide to Cell Health”, the five indicators of intestinal health are as follows.
- Regular bowel movements (1 ~ 3 times a day)
- Minimal bloating or uncomfortable
- The ability to digest a variety of foods
- Good energy level
- Proper nutrient absorption
Again, the key to increasing bootyrate production is in the fiber. Think of it as the raw material of the bootyrate “factory” in the intestine. When you eat full foods rich in fiber, the intestinal bacteria ferment the fiber and produce SCFA as a by -product. Excellent sources of dietary fibers include fruits (apples, strawberries and bananas) and vegetables (especially green, broccoli and carrots). Other carbohydrates are as follows:
- Well -cooked white rice
- Yeast bread
- Root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes
- Fresh and ripe fruits
- Masahirina or traditionally made Tortiya
Limit linoleic acid to support bootyrate production.
Another factor that affects intestinal health is the excess of linoleic acid (LA). I think it is one of the biggest contributions to the highest disability and tension. Obviously, the body still requires a small amount of LA to function optimally. But the problem is that LA is very widespread in modern food supply, especially in ultra -fine foods.
Research published in the science report19 LA emphasized that the metabolic stress is induced in beneficial bacteria such as BiFIDOBACTERUM BREVE (B. B. BREVE) deformation, changing the essential biosynthesis path for amino acids, carbohydrates and fats. B. BREVE is important because it indirectly supports bootyrate production by maintaining the intestinal balance.
Given the extensive presence of Los Angeles in ultra -fine foods, minimizing intake is important for protecting health and supporting bootyrate production. It is recommended to limit the LA intake to less than 5 grams a day. But it is better if you can get less than 2 grams.
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How can you reduce exposure to the factor that weakens intestinal health and mitochondrial features?