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Nepal: Landslides triggered by monsoon rains kill 9

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Can tennis go carbon neutral?

In an industry that relies on travel, there's no guarantee of success,…

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Guest Comment: Recycling Cork to Replace Petroleum-Based Polymers and Foams

Most people know that wine corks are special. When removed from a…

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How do you convince someone to live next to a nuclear waste site?

The world’s first permanent depository for nuclear fuel waste opens later this…

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Buckle up. The oil industry is leading us to disaster.

We don't want a consortium of car manufacturers writing laws on vehicle…

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Gaseous cows and pigs will be subject to a carbon tax in Denmark for the first time in the world.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Denmark will become the first country in the…

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To Foil a Deadly Pest, Scientists Aim for a Beetle-Resistant Ash Tree

The tree Radka Wildova and Jonathan Rosenthal wanted to show me was…

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Deadly flooding continues to ravage a Midwestern city, with 50 meters under a heatwave warning.

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‘Increasing diversity’ of native plants

Planting plants in urban areas can have a positive impact on local…

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Study challenges popular belief that Easter Islanders committed ‘ecococide’ – State of the Earth

About 1,000 years ago, a small group of Polynesians sailed thousands of…

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