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In India, as elections neared, deadly heat killed more than 200 people, including dozens of poll workers.

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mother of invention

I'm standing in front of my front door, wondering whether to turn…

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Find the Best Raised Bed Kit

Spring planting may seem like a long way off, but if you've…

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California has large utilities and reduces incentives for community solar projects.

This story was originally published here. CalMatters. California's utility regulators adopted new…

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Shell Loves Cheap Prices – Greenpeace Canada

Have you ever heard of it? Shell got a 2:1 deal from…

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Delhi heat wave 2024: India may record hottest temperature on record

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‘Ghost Road’ Destroying Ancient Rainforest

enter even parks and reserves In the Asia Pacific region, you are…

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Recycling Mystery: Can Underwear Be Recycled?

When it comes to making your wardrobe eco-friendly, a lot depends on…

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Expecting the Worse: Born on a Planet in Crisis

The International Climate Change Panel often points out that: Women are more…

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