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The Twisted Secret to Extending the Lifespan of Cellular mRNA

men In Chinese mythology, the cunning fox with nine tails symbolizes peace…

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A Scientific Mission To Save The Sharks

A hammerhead shark less than one meter long swims frantically in a…

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NASA to fly low over US to map air pollution sources

We've reached a point where scientists can easily measure the levels of…

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Genetically rescued organisms: toward a solution to sudden oak death.

Sudden oak death caused by pathogens Phytophthora ramorumis one of the most…

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In ‘Warming Up,’ the sports world’s newest opponent is climate change

Warming UpMadeleine OrrBloomsbury Sigma, $28 It’s easy to think of sports as…

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A study suggests that Iceland’s volcanic eruptions could continue for decades.

later almost 800 years A relatively dormant volcano on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula…

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Pooping on the moon is a dirty business

In addition to raising these legal and ethical issues, the Apollo waste…

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Mangrove Trees Are on the Move, Taking the Tropics with Them

Two decades ago ecologist Ilka C. Feller heard about a plant advancing…

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Ultrafine air pollution from airplanes threatens the health of millions of people.

Jet engines produce large amounts of ultrafine particlesAerovista Luchtfotografie/Shutters stock The health…

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Liver protein protects T cells from tumors

femaleWhen it comes to harnessing immune cells to fight cancer, researchers have…

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