If you want warblers, sparrows, rednecks, and other feathered friends to fly into your yard, give them fresh water. It’s simple. It’s inexpensive, especially if you make a DIY birdbath using recycled household items. And it’s definitely worth it. With a setting that’s appealing to birds, you’ll be rewarded with a truly wet, wild, and entertaining reality show.
Bird baths work well with other attractive features for wildlife, such as bird feeders and appropriate native plants. They also work well on their own.
“Attracting birds for your own enjoyment is one of the easiest and least expensive things you can do,” says ornithologist Robert Mulvihill. National Aviary Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Perhaps you’ll be tempted to sit on the edge and watch the parade of birds sipping a refreshing sip. Some birds may even dive into the water, waddling, wriggling and flapping their wings. “They really get wet,” says Mulvihill.
DIY Bird Bath: What You Need
Use a shallow dish or pan, such as a flower pot tray, that is no more than 2 inches deep. National Audubon Society. The page titles on the organization’s website are as follows: How to make a new bathProvides step-by-step instructions.
Mulvihill recommends avoiding materials with slippery or slick surfaces. Also avoid lightweight, flimsy containers that can easily be blown away by wind or birds landing. Heavy rocks with natural depressions that can hold water work well, he says.
Add a few rocks to provide additional sitting surface in the puddle, even if you use store-bought rocks. new bath. Mulvihill recommends flat, sloping rocks (rocks that partially protrude out of the water) to provide a gradual incline for feathered friends to tiptoe up to their desired height.
An internet search for DIY birdbaths turns up a number of variations and ideas, including: wikiHow’s version of Rock and Trash Can Lid. For more advanced DIY projects, check out Instructables’ guides to making your own. solar bird bath fountain.

Placement is important
Choose a spot with a window or patio so that you can enjoy the show, but don’t place it too close to the window, as the bird may accidentally fly into the glass and get hurt.
Also, think about the safety of the birds, especially from potential predators. The water should be within easy flying distance of trees and shrubs, Mulvihill says. Birds often want to stay in the water and assess their surroundings before they approach it. And once in the water, they want to be able to quickly return to the safety of trees or shrubs if necessary.
Additional improvements
Some birds are attracted to the sight and sound of rippling water, says Mulvihill. That’s easily accomplished by: Bird Bath DripperThese are accessories that you can buy or make yourself.
For a homemade version, Mulvihill suggests poking a very small hole in a plastic jug. Fill the jug with water and loosen the lid to allow air to escape. Hang the jug over the birdbath to achieve a steady dripping effect.
Solar powered stirrer Shaking the waterAnother accessory that adds movement to the water is the moving water bathtub. In addition to attracting birds, the moving water bathtub is less likely to be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
How to make your own stirrer Instructables has step-by-step instructions. We used wire hangers, recycled plastic containers, and other materials.
Tips & Resources
Rinse and scrub your birdbath regularly.
Audubon recommends Rub with 9 parts water and 1 part vinegar.. “Avoid synthetic soaps and detergents, which can strip essential oils from bird feathers. And refill the water every couple of days to keep bugs at bay,” the Audubon website says.
Other resources from Audubon:
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on April 26, 2019 and updated in July 2024. Feature image courtesy of: Geraldine Rose ~ in pixabay.