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Emperor Palpatine deserves credit for destroying the Empire.

1 Min Read

If you doubt my assertion, just look at the Senators’ reactions to Emperor Palpatine dismantling the Old Republic and establishing the Empire. Revenge of the Sith. As Padme bitterly points out, “democracy… died with a thunderous ovation”, because most of the senators were more than happy to continue supporting Palpatine as long as they kept their jobs. But when Palpatine fired everyone, he effectively turned the politicians who had been enthusiastically supporting him just 18 years earlier into desperate citizens willing to fund terrorists in order to stop him.

None of this is to diminish the heroism of characters like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. They finally took down Emperor Palpatine with the sword of the Rebels (a lazer sword, that is). But the Rebels would have had neither weapons nor significant resources without the former Senators. None of them would have helped if they hadn’t been fired. Congratulations, Palpatine… You not only destroyed the Empire, but as a so-called master manipulator, The worst Possible methods.

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