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Even a felony conviction won’t turn this race around.

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charlie cook: “First, general elections today are driven far more by partisanship than anything else…

“Second, what’s more specific about this Biden-Trump race is the fact that both Trump and Biden have 100% name recognition and are as well defined in the minds of voters as possible. In other situations, a lesser-known but still adequately funded candidate may see a slight uptick as more voters become familiar with it. That’s not the case here.”

“Thirdly, it is particularly applicable to the presumptive Republican presidential candidates, at least since the release of the infamous report in October 2016. hollywood access According to the tape, few people mistook Trump for an Eagle Scout…

“That leads to the fourth reason. Many nominal Republicans or Republican-leaning independents with conservative sympathies who may vote against Trump for personal or behavioral reasons may be hesitant to support Biden thanks to his perceived aggressive and progressive agenda. . Priorities… Many high-profile business leaders are known to be uncomfortable with Trump, but in recent weeks some have moved in his direction and even supported him.”

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