In early November 2024, I sat with my friends on a low library staircase at Columbia University and felt the sun hitting us in a t -shirt and summer dress. It was 70 degrees from the outside.
“This should not be warm.” We all agreed.
My sister called in the UK to start a conversation with her parents recently. “They just said that climate change is not real. well Not realBut it is natural and not as serious as people say. ”She complained.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I devote myself to studying in a climate school in New York, understanding and fighting crises, but my parents don’t think that is a big problem.
I am convinced that most people have this person in their lives. A grandmother who shares YOUTUBE videos that claims to be a conspiracy theorist, skeptical cousin, and global warming is fake news. 2020 inspection About 25 percent of the US population agreed with the sentiment that climate change is a scam.
Recently I was a bit obsessed with climate plot. Douglas and Sutton The conspiracy theory is defined as “the belief that two or more actors have been adjusted to secretly achieve the results, and their conspiracy is not public knowledge, not public knowledge.” Climate change is a fertile basis for this theory because science is too complicated. It is filled with complex models, probability range and uncertainty, so you need to identify long -term trends, not immediate causes and results. The public is expected to be reliable when scientists warn about changing jet streams, current and copying forced power, while fossil fuel lobbyists, podcasts and social media sometimes pushes more simple and seductive stories. All are fraud.
Thus, the theory of conspiracy provides an easy and emotionally satisfactory answer to complex problems. Instead of facing the reality of climate change or being recognized as a public offering, people can choose different stories. Climate disasters are manipulated, scientists are corrupt and crisis are exaggerated for political interests.
After hurricane Helen landed in the United States in the fall of 2024, he was shocked by the thread that he scrolled on Twitter and accused the Democrats manipulated the storm. According to this PostIt was a manufactured plague designed to approach important minerals, punish red countries before elections, or claim God’s punishment for democratic policies such as abortion. If it is not so dangerous, it will laugh.
As climate change is strengthened, disasters are also intensified. Plot thrives in a disaster area. If a big thing happens, people can find the answer and someone can blame it. They are attracted by the idea that a powerful group is secretly manipulating the world around us. research The theory of conspiracy showed people actively damaging environmental policies by moving people from climate -friendly actions. As a result of hurricane, wrong information can weaken the public’s trust in disaster response agencies, allowing people to reject evacuation orders or reject government aid. There is even an even number Inspired by real threatsFEMA officials are threatened with death in their role in “inorganizing” natural disasters. meantimeMeteorologists have been bullied about “pushing the climate agenda,” and even toxent.
In fact, the theory of conspiracy is as fast as the storm itself and is spreading faster. Conspiracy theory is the most powerful when exploiting profound fear and anxiety. The fundamental human motive is Self -reinforcement -I feel good about yourself and you need to keep your self -esteem. People also want to believe that they are heading to a good future and their prospects are safe. Climate change is presented: Existing threat In this belief, it is about the legitimacy of the whole society as well as the morality of the individual. Recognizing the size of the crisis means considering the uncomfortable truth. Our way of life means that it is impossible to sustain, there is a deep flaw in the system we depend on, and those with power will fail and the future will be fundamentally different. It is easier to refuse reality than to face reality.
So what do we do?
When she called in November, she asked her what to tell her and dad. She is just 16 years old and does not know all science of climate change. I wanted to talk to her about carbon cycles, feedback loops, current and tip points, and all the disasters. But instead, I told her to take a deep breath and go backstairs and enjoy dinner with her parents. Because there is truth: Controversy with the Dihyde conspiracy theorist will not change their minds.
“Some of the most powerful climate behavior will come from partnerships that are not perfect ideological adjustments, but are unlikely to find productive tension and commonality.”
Instead of waste of energy to discuss those who refuse to listen, we must focus on skeptical, uncertain or separated people, much larger and more intermediate points. Many people feel psychologically far from climate change. I think it is an abstract problem that does not affect others’ problems or everyday life. Others, especially wealthy countries, experience solutions. Climate solutions will be worse than climate change itself, and their lifestyle and freedom will be the cost of freedom. And there are people who feel helpless. The crisis accumulates, disasters worsen, and we start to feel like we are not enough. This end is paralyzed as much as obvious rejection.
But there is hope here too. This interim basin can be stupid towards action. This is a focus on our interest as a climate communication person.
To move the intermediate surface, it must be persistent. Be kind. Patient. And the most important thing is to work with people we do not completely agree. Some of the most powerful climate behavior are not perfect ideological adjustment, but from productive tension. We do not have to agree with everything to make progress.
Climate scientist Catherine Hei HiWe insist that we should start this conversation with shared value. Instead of ruining people in fact, we must start with what we agree. For example, energy is a common basis. We all want reliable and cheaper power. And changing our energy systems is the fastest way to reduce emissions. The same is true for water. Everyone wants safe, clean and rough water. These are the opening for the entry point and discussion on the future we want to build, as well as climate change itself.
So, I will not spend time in arguing with people who think the hurricane is a weapon that the government controls, even my family. Instead, I will continue to talk about the climate with everyone who will hear, find common evidence, and hear the changing perspective. I suggest you do the same. We have to participate in this fight with many people in all countries and all industries.
Rosie Semlyen is a graduate student at Columbia Climate School, a research assistant at the National Disaster Preparennes, which specializes in disaster risk management and climate policy.
The opinions and opinions expressed here are the author’s views and opinions, and does not necessarily reflect the official position of Columbia Climate School, Earth Institute or Columbia University.