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Exclusive: How legendary golfer Nick Faldo played a ‘fun’ role in Michael Schumacher’s F1 test debut

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“I’ll never forget running out there and thinking, ‘What the heck?’ and then when I got into the straight I thought, ‘Okay, I’ll try.'” Paldo laughed again. “I’m only third. [gear]So I squeezed it, and the only way I can describe it is that it shot out like a catapult!

“It didn’t accelerate like a car, it just moved. BoeingAnd it’s gone. That’s the scary part. Instant pick-up – it’s ridiculous. Maybe it’s scarier now.

Exclusive: Watch ‘Michael Schumacher – The Making of a Legend’ on F1 TV

“Anyway, it’s very bumpy, and if you hold the steering wheel lightly, you’ll ride along the bumps, and if you hold it hard because you’re scared… it’s like shaking.

“I literally held my breath and held my breath. Suddenly you’re going 120 miles an hour, but what scared me was the shaking.

“Then I exhaled through the visor and it completely fogged up. Like an idiot, I put my thumb under the visor and pulled it out an inch, and sure enough, all the air came in! I kept going and it got a little better.

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