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Exploring technology-based solutions to reduce food waste

8 Min Read

Food waste is a huge problem worldwide. one third of all food produced Every year, it is wasted. The environmental and economic consequences of this are incalculable. Wasted food is a source of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute increasingly to climate change. Nevertheless, it is not all bad.

From AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) to mobile apps, technology-based advancements have contributed to ways to mitigate food waste and create truly sustainable food systems. Technology can help reduce food waste, and the future holds much promise for these solutions.

You too can adopt these technologies to help reduce food waste on the planet.

Scope of food waste

From production and processing to retail and consumption, this happens more often than we realize. Food waste occurs at every stage of the food supply chain. In 2021, 931 million tonnes of food was lost because it was not harvested from the field, processed in the manufacturing process, or eaten at home. According to the United Nations Environment Programme,Additionally, food waste, which generates methane, accounts for 8 to 10 percent of global CO2 emissions each year.

Sadly, A History of Food Waste in America This shows that this is not a new phenomenon. Food waste started in the 19th century.Day And 20Day Centuries have passed since industrialization made food more readily available. Even today, households still contribute to global food waste through uneaten leftovers and expired products. Restaurants also play a big role by throwing away surplus or spoiled food.

To put this into perspective, the UNFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) It was reported that if food waste were a country, it would rank third.road name It is the biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, global food waste represents a loss of $936 billion in value each year. If we stopped that waste, we could feed everyone on the planet.

With such a huge impact on the environment, it’s no wonder that more and more people are looking for ways to reduce food waste, especially using innovative technologies.

How can we use technology to reduce food waste?

at Freely accessible eco-friendly food refrigerator to Microbe Stickers Technologies that help keep fruit fresher for longer show great potential to become the ultimate food waste management solution.

These technologies cover everything from food waste management and reduction to redistribution. Let’s talk about three technology solutions that are changing the food waste game.

Using AI in Food Waste Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking over many tasks in our lives, including helping manage food waste. AI can help reduce food waste in restaurants, hotels, and even homes by better predicting food usage. This information can be used to reduce overall waste and overproduction.

Research on Food Waste Management in the Hotel Industry We found that AI solutions can help reduce waste by tracking inventory in real time.

for example, Winno Solution Using AI to help commercial kitchens track and analyze food waste. Winnow’s technology uses smart scales and AI algorithms to identify the most commonly wasted food and provide actionable insights to reduce this waste. This approach has helped companies like IKEA save millions of dollars each year by reducing unnecessary food purchases and overall waste.

In the hotel industry Orbisk We provide an AI-based food waste management system that automatically monitors and classifies food waste using image recognition technology. This data can help hotels adjust purchasing decisions and meal preparation to significantly reduce food waste. For example, hotel chain Accor has implemented Orbisk’s technology in several locations. 22% reduction in food waste over 6 months.

Even at the household level, AI is making a difference. Apps like: Too good to go Using AI, it connects consumers with restaurants and stores that have surplus food, allowing them to purchase this food at a discounted price. This not only helps reduce food waste, but also provides consumers with a way to save money while enjoying a good meal. In 2023, Too Good To Go has partnered with major supermarket chains, including: Kapur and Aldi Increase our reach and impact to prevent millions of meals from going to waste.

take action

The fight against food waste requires both global action and individual responsibility. As we have seen, innovative technologies such as AI and IoT are making significant progress in reducing food waste at various stages of the supply chain. From large organizations such as IKEA and Accor hotels to individual households, these technologies are proving that we can actually create a more sustainable food system.

But the success of these technologies depends not only on their development and deployment, but also on our willingness to embrace them. Technology can provide the tools and insights needed to reduce waste, but it is up to each of us to take action in our daily lives.

First, take a look at your own food waste habits. Are you buying more than you need? Are you throwing leftovers in the trash? Consider using an app like Too Good To Go to save your surplus food, or if you run a restaurant, consider implementing AI-based kitchen tools to monitor and manage your inventory. Small changes can make a big impact.

The journey to reduce food waste begins with awareness and leads to action. By adopting these technologies and making mindful choices, we can play a vital role in combating food waste and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet. Let’s take the first step together. Examine your eating habits, explore the technologies available to you, and make a commitment to reduce waste at home. The planet and future generations will thank you.

About the Author

Baily Ramsey is a writer Shapiro EnterprisesWe are an organic waste management and recycling company. We specialize in creating educational content, creating content for a variety of industries, and are particularly interested in environmental initiatives.

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