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Federal election – Parties must commit to honor Quebec environmental agreement.

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Montreal – that Vire au vert A coalition of 21 Quebec civil society organizations is calling on the federal parties represented in the House of Commons to respect: Quebec Environmental Agreement Each is in the process of developing its own political platform for the upcoming federal election campaign.

“Policies adopted by the federal government can have serious implications for state jurisdiction. Adhering to the principles of this agreement is an opportunity for federal parties to ensure the credibility of the environmental elements of their future electoral platforms in the eyes of Quebec voters.” Coalition members said:

that Vire au vert The coalition has written to several federal political parties urging them to take a position on the Quebec environmental agreement and is awaiting responses.

Quebec’s environmental ambitions are non-negotiable

“Throughout its history, Quebec has incorporated strong, structural environmental principles that have guided its economic and social development. The choice of hydroelectric power, the nationalization of production and distribution, the adoption of zero-emission vehicle standards and the implementation of a carbon market that puts a price on pollution and limits emissions are all choices made by Quebecers. It is integrated into a set of plans, strategies, laws and regulations. This is the foundation upon which our future will continue to be built.” A group member has been added.

“The Quebec Environmental Agreement is a standard on environmental issues that federal political parties must respect if they want Quebec voters to take them seriously. There is nothing radical about the agreement. Policies and principles are basic common sense.” Coalition members said:

that Vire au vert The Coalition has prepared a summary of the key elements of the agreement and has asked federal parties to refer to it as they prepare for the next election to ensure their proposals respect Quebec’s environmental orientation.

for Vire au vert

Vire au vert It is a citizen mobilization initiative to bring environmental issues to the forefront during the election campaign. The initiative encourages citizens and elected representatives to inform and mobilize themselves on environmental issues during elections.

member Vire au vert for the 2025 federal election

Accès Transports Viables, Association québécoise des Médecins pour l’environnement (AQME), Center d’écologie urbaine, Eau Secours, ENvironnement JEUnesse, Équiterre, Fondation David Suzuki, Fondation Rivières, Front commun québécois pour une gestion écologique des déchets, Front étudiant d ‘action climatique, Greenpeace Canada, Mères au front, Nature Québec, Piétons Québec, Québec Meilleure Mine, Réalité climatique Canada, Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec, Trajectoire Québec, Vélo Québec, Vigilance OGM, Vivre en Ville


For more information, please contact:

Laura Bergamo, Communications Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected] ; +1 438 928-5237

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