Science is essentially cooperative. Many consortiums and alliances in the science field intercept the border and language barriers. Some laboratories can find additional funds in alternative sources such as the European Union. However, continuous withdrawal of NIH funds will not be prevented by overseas support. According to Wired’s sources, Big Pharma, with endless funds, will not be strengthened.
Genetics, who agreed to say anonymously, said, “This is not possible to deliver it to pharmaceutical companies or biotechnology because we are not interested in pharmaceutical companies or biotechnology. Fear of retaliation. “In essence, university -based scientists are working hard to find out some basic things that drug companies can drop $ 100 million.”
Millions of dollars awarded to the higher laboratory are used to fund graduate students, laboratory skills and analysts. If the main investigator of the team fails to obtain subsidies through the process described by Keusch, the laboratory is often closed and the assistant team members are often lost.
One of the potential downstream effects of NIH financing loss is that it is a large domestic brain drainage even if it is temporary. Genetics professor said, “Many of them will go out to find different things. “These are like a job for other things. You can’t pay people for a month. For example, how about grocery store if the food service industry doesn’t pay anyone for a month? Their workers will leave, and only many people can hire. ”
WIRED continued from scientists from scientists who were too feared to talk about the records. As research funds are lost, hospitals and universities are closed. The benefits of medical development will also shake.
The conditions studied by NIH funds are not only rare diseases that affect 1-2 %of the population, but also rare diseases. They are problems such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s -Grandmothers, friends and one day have a problem that affects many people who are in perfect health. Thanks to this research system, doctors know how to save someone from the heart attack, regulate diabetes, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of stroke. It’s a way to know that the world is not a good idea. Genetics professor said, “All of this is the knowledge that NIH has been created by scientists who support funds, and if you throw a big wrench on this wrench, you will absolutely interfere with everything.
Some hope that the financing will end on February 1 on February 1, but the temporary suspension and subsidy review of communication will be raised, but the individual who says the ministry will simply resume the work as before. no see.