In recent decades, the federal government has steadily expanded regulatory scope. Very good jacob sullum piece Wisdom magazine This power points out that the government can put informal pressure on the company by limiting the freedom of speech.
Why do you want to solve this comical excuse for the lawsuit? Needless to say, it is not related to the legal or logical advantages of Trump’s complaints.
that New York Times Shari Redstone, a controlled shareholder of Paramount, reported that it supports efforts to settle down because it pays billions of dollars in paramount sales. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), who is currently chairman of the Trump appointment (FCC) Brenden carIt is the authority to quit the transaction by not approving the transfer of the broadcast license owned by CBS TV broadcasting stations. . . .
Trump, for his role controversy The editing of the Harris interview is the reason why the FCC will “take the CBS license.” . . .
Trump can hit the results due to the Old and Constitutionally ambiguous authority of the FCC on the content of Broadcast Journalism. The government treats it differently from journalism that has been spread through printing, cable, satellite, the Internet or other non -broadcast media. It is just one of the many ways that the president can punish or suppress his favorite speeches. Other means of enforcement authority include the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the IRS, the exclusive execution of the Ministry of Justice, the exclusive execution, personal information and financial regulations and new laws. Trump even has proposal The fact that the Ministry of Justice should policy the media is an idea that conflicts with the first amendment to make sure it is talking about the truth.
This kind of abuse of power came from both sides of the political spectrum.
Trump and other Republicans complained correctly by the Biden administration. I was constantly under pressure Social Media Platform Restrict your speech Federal officials were considered threats to public health, democracy or national security. They claimed that they violated the first amendment because they carried out the tacit threat of government retaliation against a company that the emperor did not comply with. But Trump is essentially the same in this case.
We have seen a recent backlash against the excess of “Woke IDEOLOGY”. Welcome to the weakening of cancellation culture, DEI and other unproductive social engineering. But I am worried that recent backlash will make some people swing too far in different directions. The fact that expressing unpleasant ideas should be legal is not a good idea. Responsibility with freedom comes. In recent months, I’ve seen a very bad tweet. The fact that many people who have been awake accused racial discrimination or gender discrimination do not mean that there is no prejudice. next AELLA tweet She suggests that she has seen an over -reaction similar to the restriction of the restrictions.
A Recent postsI encouraged people to think about how they acted in China in 1966 or in Germany in 1932.