The SMR division can not go anywhere with more frustration in 2024. Nuward project It has been suspended in France. This followed the previous decision throw away 4 different SMR projects and bankruptcy Ultra safe nuclear of an American company.
Renewable energy
In contrast to the limit of the nuclear power of 4.3 GW in 2024, in October 2024, ‘Renewables 2024’ in October 2024 report In 2024, 666 GW’s global renewable capacity is added.
Based on the estimation of the institution, the growth of renewable energy was 155 times higher than its nuclear power. In China, the ratio is 100: 1 last year.
International energy institution I look forward to Renewable energy that rapidly increases from 30 %of global electricity production in 2023 to 46 %in 2030.
On the contrary, the global electricity generation rate of nuclear power has been steadily falling since the 1990s. Nuclear power was explained as of 2025 9.15 % There are few half of 17.5 %of global electricity production.
Renewable investment was 21 times larger than nuclear investment. no way Bloomberg analyze Renewable energy investment reached $ 72.8 billion in 2024 and increased 8 % in the previous year. This is compared to $ 34.2 billion in nuclear investment.
Contrary to the huge excess costs of nuclear projects, regenerative costs have dropped sharply. Lazard investment company data Utility’s solar and land wind power was cheaper than nuclear power from 2010 to 2015.
Since 2009, the cost of solar heat has decreased by 83 %. The land wind cost decreased by 63 %. Nuclear costs increased 49 %.
In 40 countries, 50 countries insist that they are actively considering or planning nuclear power in addition to 32 countries that currently operate a reactor.
Earlier this year, a reactor was built in 13 countries with less than two people a year ago. 7 %of countries around the world are building a nuclear building. 93 %are not.
Only the reactor building among 13 countries three It is a nuclear immigrant country that can build the first factories such as Egypt, Bangladesh and Turkiye. In these three countries, nuclear projects are led by Russian nuclear institutions. Significant prepaid funds In Russian countries.
World Nuclear Association Observe In addition to these three countries, the nations that meet the planned reactor’s standards are “people with approval, financing or dedicated, mainly in the next 15 years.”
There are only three potential new immigration countries that are undergoing approval and funding or construction, and the project is greatly funded by the Russian state.
Step -by -step
There is no evidence of the wave of the upcoming nuclear state.
Like the historical pattern, the maximum will come out. In fact, there have been seven new immigrant states in the last 40 years and only three in the century.
In 1996-1997, the number of countries operating a power reactor was 32 years old. Since then, a new country has been trapped at the age of 32, consistent with a country that has completed the abolition of the nuclear level. And less than one -third of the country is building a reactor.
There is room for doubt that the number of new nuclear immigrant countries will match the number of countries that will complete the start of 20 to 30 years.
Capital strike
Nuclear power cannot compete economically. The biggest problem in the industry is to cause capital strikes with investors’ perceptions.
The generous government and taxpayer subsidies, especially in China’s territory and Russian projects, have become difficult to fund or impossible to fund new reactors.
Recent historians of countries with vast expertise and experience disastrous?
In France, it is the latest cost calculation The recent only reactor construction project, 1.6 GW Flamanville EPR, has increased from 7x to € 3.3 billion to € 23.7 billion against one reactor. Construction took 17 years. There is no nuclear reactor in France.
And this problem is with the risk of disasters of Fukushima, the risk of weapons proliferation, the risk of attacks on nuclear power plants and the risk of nuclear waste.
Some of these risks have already been passed like reality. Attack on nuclear power plants in Ukraine.
In the United States, a project in South Carolina, which consists of two Westinghouse AP1000 reactors, spent at least $ 9 billion in 2017 after a $ 9 billion in 2017.
WestingHouse declared bankruptcy immediately after the South Carolina project was canceled, and the debt was forced to go bankrupt. Everything that remains Nukegate scandal: an avalanche Legal measures including criminal cases.
The only other reactor construction project in the United States – Georgia’s twin reactor VOGTLE project has been completed at 12 times higher than its initial estimates. last expense At least $ 17 billion per reactor during the VOGTLE project. The completion was about seven years later.
In the United States, power reactors are not under construction. There were 13 reactors End permanently In the last 15 years.
The situation is the same in the UK 24 Permanent reactor block 30 years ago, 1995 after the last reactor startup.
Summer Set’s 3.2 GW twin-reactor Hinkley Point project was scheduled to be completed in 2017, but the construction was not started by 2018. The expected completion date was re -promoted late in 2031. Cost estimation The 23 billion pounds per reactor are 11.5 times higher than the initial estimates.
The British National Audit Office estimates this Taxpayer subsidy The Hinkley Point project is $ 60.8 billion, and the public accounting committee of the British Parliament Sayed “Consumers leave the bill and the poorest consumers will be the biggest blow.”
The expected cost of the UK’s planned 3.2 GW twin-reactor Sizewell C project Almost £ 40 billion – or £ 20 billion per reactor -twice the cost estimates in 2020.
Securing funds to start construction in SizeWell is proved to be difficult and organs despite the new ‘regulatory asset -based’ financing model, overcoming the huge risk of tremendous costs. Taxpayer and electric billing. It is also difficult to secure funds to complete the Hinkley Point Project.
France, the United States and the United Kingdom have a vast nuclear knowledge and experience. They all enjoy the synergy between civil and military nuclear programs -President Macron Sayed 2020 speech Without French nuclear power, there is no nuclear weapon The same is true.
All construction projects mentioned above are existing nuclear sites. All projects have been delayed for a long time or have been delayed for a long time and exceeded tens of billions of dollars.
Potential nuclear nations with no advantages argue that the reactor can be built quickly and inexpensively.
This author
Dr. Jim Green, a national nuclear activist with friends of Earth Australia and a member of the nuclear consulting group.
Expansion reports on these issues ENERGYSCIANCE COALITION website. This report is a science and technology research professor at the University of Melbourne University, the geography of the University of Wollongong, the Department of Science and Technology, and Dr. JIM Green’s science and technology research professors. Co -written.