It’s almost a year after the parliament has almost been a tired theater after a year of swearing at its own fiscal crisis to embrace the “regular order” and “responsible governance” and “player for work.” This time, dysfunction is not about spending and debt. It is a preview of unpredictable rules of the Trump administration and a continuous internal identity crisis of GOP.
At the center of this melodrama is the fight between the two Republicans. One side is dominated by tax reformers, and a single “large and beautiful bill” to encapsulate the entire GOP legislative agenda, such as tax reduction, expenditure reduction, energy reform and border security (tax reduction, spending reduction, energy reform and border security) I am pushing. They are theoretically theoretically theoretically, it is easier to collect unity together, and use the budget adjustment process to shovel through everything that can be considered a financial problem without considering the Senate’s 60-voting filibuster. (GOP will have a maximum of 53-47 senators and 220–215 housing advantage.) They also have a strong wind behind the back. If you have a tax reduction in 2017, you can allow you to pass by the end of 2025. But the tax bill is complicated and the budget bill is still complicated.
On the other hand, there is an immigrant Hawk to use a thin majority to promote Nativist Wish List, including border wall financing and strict restrictions on legal immigration. They say that tax issues can be dealt with later in the second bill, offering “hamburgers for $ 1 tomorrow.” This type of transaction is hardly glorified recently, so tax reformers have the right to be tense. This is not a battle for legislative priorities. It is a referendum for the party that GOP wants.
Taxes speak to voters who are interested in reducing federal federal footprints for all defects. Tax reductions have less government interference with freedom to spend their own money, and reduce red tapes. Immigration is another story. Their playbook is about more powerful government control. Wall, ban and more Dracoin execution mechanisms are not limited to immigration. They limit freedom. Human costs are burdensome by Americans living in constantly growing surveillance, as well as immigrants.
Currently, the tax team has an edge. One-Bill Ideas were the favorite approach among GOP leaders. They combine tax reforms and immigration measures with a single package to simplify negotiations and reduce internal rebellion opportunities. Large legislation, as well as expensive SOPs that buy private votes, and no one to read the bill, must solve their own problems. We can be sure that the bill will grow, but there is always a beauty in the eyes of the viewer.
Enter the new President Wild Card, the newly inaugural President. As usual, everyone is waiting for what he wants because no one knows. that You may not know. One day, I will say that it is. One billNext will say he will say two It can be a better bet. Will he be with financial conservatives who want to focus on tax reform? Or will he indulge in immigration reinforcements, even if it means to blow up a wider GOP legislative strategy? This is a highly drama of DC for the next four years. Trump’s unpredictable castle is the best tool for winning the battle he is worried about, that is, for spotlights. He continues to play the role of the main mediator of the GOP priority.
The larger financial photos are completely dark. The federal debt owned by the public has reached $ 29 trillion, and too big numbers are difficult to understand. Last year’s debt -free contract had to impose a new expenditure limit, but Congress is already looking for creative ways around them.
Budget special effects and book starting should not continue to receive expenses while taxpayers are holding their bags.
This is not the first time Congress has been in accounting. For decades, budget disputes have been a surrogate battle for deeper ideological divisions. The government’s closure of the 1990s, the debt upper limit of the Obama period (and the remix with other parties in the Trump), endless fight with the budget bill, the same pattern repetition, noble rhetoric about fiscal discipline. Go down the can by kicking the can by a back room trading. The two parties share their responsibilities for long -term responsibility. The Democratic Party continues to demand vast government programs. Republicans are demanding tax reduction while refusing to deal with the actual driver of debt.
Some GOP members tried to alert the long -term results of Run Away spending. But their warnings are falling on the ears. Instead, the party’s camp focuses on the immediate political victory that is submerged in the battles of priority. Immigration Hawks claims to raise wall funds as a red line, while tax cuts require the bill to include deep reductions of corporate and high -income earners.
Our eternal budget week is not just legislative circus. It is a pioneer of the spear of GOP’s soul and the future. If a Republican member can’t agree with a consistent strategy with the current Trifecta, what happens if the grid rock is inevitable? If they choose pumps on financial issues on Trump’s first day, what is the hope for meaningful reform?
The Trump era promised to confuse and was not expected by fiscal reformers. In favor of the smallest freedom with the small government, we created a new way for functional disorders and centralized power without shaking the current state. It is the symptoms and causes of this great problem that cannot be effectively rule of GOP. Until the party finds out what the Republican means, you can expect confusion just by winning the next news cycle.
This article was originally printed under the headline. “Big and beautiful Bill?”