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Have a nice weekend. | Cup of Jo

5 Min Read

red cherry

What are you doing this weekend? After a long week, my sons and I are excited to do nothing. If we can watch TV, order pizza, stare at the ceiling, or just not think or have any energy, we can do it. Have a great weekend. It’s been great to catch up with you this week. And I’ll send you some links from around the web…

Catherine Newman — Polar explorer, chickpea enthusiast, national treasure — Share 12 Favorite Things from Big Salad TodayAnd we made it free for everyone to read. Love her like the moon!

Oh my goodness, Mothers’ Instinct trailer It’s creepy.

Almost every elementary school student in Japan I carry this particular backpack. (NYTimes Gift Link)

Summer Orzo. “If you like crispy edges on your lasagna… you’re in the right place.”

“When I see a friend or relative completely exhausted, I instinctively know what to offer them: a cool glass of water, a chair where they can curl up and take communion, a refreshing cup of coffee or tea, a chocolate or a tangerine, a mandatory time-out. I help them stay comfortable and remind them that I have to do this with my baby self throughout the day,” the author says. Anne Ramot. (Through morning person)

I finally got my hands on a pair of these.We’re having a bulk sale.

I’m going to try making it again Daisy Edgar Jones’s exact blusher placement.

How dreamy is it? This Airbnb? Water view, shell shaped bed frame.

also, This handmade quilt. (Through Block Shop)

made me laugh. I like being a woman.

And four reader comments:

Rose says of her favorite word: “‘Spirited.’ I had my second (and last) baby in June, and when I read the obstetrician’s note on my chart, she described my baby as a ‘spirited infant.’ I cried. I’ve had a hard year with loss and death. There were long periods of feeling weak and uncertain, but through it all, my body grew into this strong little human being.”

Stephanie tells us about her favorite vocabulary: “I really like the line when Peter Rabbit is in trouble and the birds ‘beg him to do his best’. When I read it out loud to the kids, they immediately know what it means.”

Here’s what Christie has to say about Welcome to Your Old Lady: “Reading this made me feel like *scream emoji* *pain emoji*, but I think it’s also meant to be comforting for people going through what they’re going through. I recently saw Babes, which was so over-the-top and would have been terrifying to have a baby if I hadn’t already. Having been through that myself, I loved the movie and thought it was hilarious and relatable and perfect. I laugh every time I think about that movie. I hope people going through menopause can read this and feel the same way!”

Erin shares her three-piece wardrobe: “I’m happily single and have no plans to date here, but I do love picking out fun work attire. I bought a long poplin skirt last winter because I saw some (negative) reviews online that said it made me feel ‘like a sailboat in full sail.’ I wanted to feel like a sailboat in full sail! So I bought it, and oh my, there’s so much fabric in it. It makes me feel so important when I’m swinging it around the office.”

(Photo courtesy of Nadine Griff/Stokes)

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