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Have a nice weekend. | cup of joe

4 Min Read

What are you doing this weekend? The boys and I admired the neighborhood Halloween decorations and brainstormed costumes. (I would go like this: Same as last yearHaha.) Are you planning on getting dressed? I hope everyone observing Yom Kippur has a good Yuntif. Here are some interesting links from around the web.

my sister said Ali Wong’s New Comedy Special It’s strange and wonderful.

i want to wear this Easy pants throughout fall/winter.

Black girls hike through the British countryside. (NYTimes gift link)

Can I do the museum challenge? Looking at one piece for 10 minutes?

trailer for someone somewhere Season 3 looks really good.

This dress is casually sexy.

What is it? your comfort food?

A simple dinner party game So that adults can remember.

I just listened to an episode of This American Life again. tell me i’m fat; It’s so good, I highly recommend it.

Photo remakes of famous art.

A genius and interesting writer appeared on Big Salad today. Roxane Gay’s 11 Favorite Thingsinclude 10 laws of love A manifesto she wrote with her wife.

And most importantly, Here are proven ways to help hurricane victims:. Our thoughts are with our readers and their families in the affected areas. Stay safe. xo (NYTimes gift link)

Plus, here are three reader comments:

Megan tells us what it’s really like to be a teacher. “As a high school English teacher for over 20 years, I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces of wisdom from my teaching friends. ‘Be who you need to be at your age.’ I tried to do that with my students. “It’s also a great way to empathize with my past self, who needed a lot but didn’t know how to ask.”

HW says this about your job: “I know this comment will get buried under this mountain of amazing text, but am I the only one crying right now? It makes me so happy to read about the amazing work you all do, and I’d like to respond individually to everyone with a little variation of ‘That’s so cool!’ ‘Good!’ So if you need it today, I think you have a great job and you’re great at it! I’ve also noticed that many people in the CoJ community tend to find great satisfaction in helping out in the field despite the challenges. Go as a team!”

Anon says: “For every cool job mentioned here (actually every job is a cool job!), there are probably five people who didn’t comment because their job isn’t cool and they don’t like it. You don’t have to love your job! Your job doesn’t define you! I am a school administrator who works in the nutrition department. “I find the job of feeding thousands of school children meaningful, but it is not my dream job and I often find it boring and frustrating.”

(Photo credit: Allison Fifmeier.)

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