Hot take: If you want a better mental health, do not hold onto you. Read it again. In essence, mental health is not about what you do. It is about what you announced. After all, you can’t create a space for growth when you are constantly obsessed with draining you. In the future, we will focus on simplification before we are in a hurry before we add new health habits for mental health. This is the main key to erasing the way for positive changes! This behavior allows you to truly guide you to the habit of supporting your welfare.
If this sounds impossible, sit down. Wherever you start, there’s something for you here. We are exploring harmful behaviors and Introduce a simple step to break the habits. It can be adopted according to time, resources and requirements.
In an interview with Suruchi Avasthi’s Monique Volz,
Unlocking mental health: The power to let go
To pursue better mental health, we often find strategies to add to new habits, morning routines and life. But what happens if a true secret is released? Sometimes it is not to do more, but to do less work. It is about throwing away you pent. Many actions, from meaningless scrolls to addiction, have chips in our welfare (unconsciously!). But giving up these habits is a calm, clear and conscious space for a conscious life.
What will stop For better mental health
Are you ready to eliminate mental confusion? Start with these 10 things to stop what to do for better mental health. We often have unnecessary mental weights that affect moods, energy and prospects. If you get out of these habits, you can create a space for healthier thoughts and more positive ways of thinking. Let’s jump into a change that can give you a light and concentrated feeling every day.
Nobody gets favorable to cling to the scale. In fact, studies show that everything from self -esteem to the relationship between food and body images can be harmed. Thanks to moisture maintenance, stress, sodium, bone density, etc. It reflects exactly your truth health.
Break your habits: Instead, set the priority of other health markers (sleep, energy, digestion, etc.). If you focus on how your body feels instead, you start to recognize a small (but important) victory, such as additional energy, sleep improvement, and robbery.
2. Excessive compliment of obligations
We were all there. We were so thin that we were too thin to find out knocks at the door. Now you need to set a healthy boundary to prioritize mental and emotional energy. Do you know where to start?
Break your habits: If there is no request, meeting or opportunity a Hell examplePractice not. If something does not match your value or adds unnecessary stress to your life, it is not worth it. By doing so, you create more space for creation and happiness for habits for health and health. Protecting time and energy is not selfish. It is the act of self -management.
Are you familiar with Mindless Scrolling? same. Unfortunately, it promotes comparison and excess stimuli that affect your mood, self -esteem and overall welfare sensation. Needless to say, it can break the connection with your reality.
Break your habits: To get out of the chain of endless information, limit the use of social media to an intentional and careful moment (if necessary, add a short burst of “scroll time” to the calendar). You’ll be surprised to see how good you will feel when you change the scroll habits into a truly increasing mood.
4. Skip the meal or ignore hunger
Subtle people can have acute It affects both body and mind. Skip the meal (or simply not eat it) or lead to changes in mood, blood sugar collisions, fatigue and irritability. The brain becomes sharp and needs a consistent fuel to maintain emotional balance. Be a habit of nourishing your body.
Break your habits: Ideally, after waking up, you eat a healthy breakfast in an hour. This supports a healthy cortisol level (stress response) and sets the tone of steady energy all day. Also focus Protein Every 3-4 hours. This keeps the glucose stably and inhibits intense sugar craving. By correctly fueling yourself, there is a big difference in mental health.
5. We pursue the verification of others
For most of us, this is a lot Easy to say. But relying on others for verification is like filling a bucket. No matter how much you swell, it’s never full. But if you fill the cup inside, you will find a deep and continuous self -value (you can’t be without anyone!). In other words, the key to continuous confidence Possess value.
Break your habits: Congratulations on your strengths, recognize progress, and practice self -sympathy. Every day journaling habits are a powerful tool to strengthen this. Learning how to thank you, you build a foundation of self -values that do not require someone else’s opinion (we know that Mel Robbins is nodding).
Of course, it is important to maintain the current event. But do you indulge in painful information? It is a one -way ticket of stress city. It drains your energy, amplifies anxiety, quickly distorts your perception of the world. Keep information but set the boundaries for news consumption.
Break your habits: Limit how frequently you check your headline and balance your positive or elevated content to protect your mental health. Please check for Inspo Good news network! In essence, focusing on what you consume is important for developing positive thinking.
7. Sensitivity or sleep
We had all that day. Too little sleep and caffeine are pushing. However, when you sleep, you will be able to overlook caffeine excessively or set yourself for roller coasters of energy conflicts, irritability and brain fog. Caffeine can give you a temporary improvement, but it’s easy to use it excessively. And do you sleep? It robs the mental clarity, focus and energy you need to appear as the best self.
Break your habits: If you like coffee, add L-theanine to beer every day. Also polish the night routine. It is essential to obtain the body demand of Zzzzz.
8. Always multitasking
Multi -tasking seems to make you more productive, but in reality it will be careful and strengthen your stress. Juggling at once can be scattered and less effective.
Break your habits: Instead, practice a single tasking focused at once at a time to do better productivity and calm. If you do not constantly switch the gear, you will achieve much more (believe us!). Try to set the task priority Eisenhower Matrix. It is a simple but powerful tool to make it easier to manage time and energy by focusing on what is truly important.
9. Compare yourself with others
You have heard it before, but I heard it repeatedly. Comparison is a thief of joy. When you are constantly measuring yourself about others, it is easy to feel inappropriate or feel like you are behind (unfortunately social media worsens this). But the truth is that everyone’s journey is different.
Break your habits: Instead of focusing on what others do, they turn attention to their own growth and achievement. No matter how small, congratulations on the progress and remember that the road is original. The only competition you need to worry is that you are with you yesterday. Accept your trip, trust your speed, and let go of comparison to find true achievements.
10. I ignore your feelings
Spoiler Warning: Emotions do not disappear like magic when suppressing emotions. And aside from your feelings, especially when your life is busy or overwhelming, stimulating them makes them more difficult to make and manage them bigger.
Break your habits: Instead of ignoring what you feel, take time to admit. Accepting emotions is important for healing, understanding and forward. Consider journaling, a reliable friend, or seeking treatment (if you don’t know where to start), you can find a therapist:
Travel to inner peace
Discarding the habits you drain will help you get rid of mental confusion, reduce stress, and focus on important things. Small changes in everyday life can make A big The difference in welfare. We support control, boundary setting and mental health foster. Each stage creates more space for peace. The following is to abandon what you do not serve and choose a habit that consciously arouses your happiness.