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HE’S SHOT: Biden suddenly starts screaming and claims the Second Amendment was “never absolute” (Video) | gateway expert

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Biden speaks out on gun violence

Joe Biden spoke out Thursday about ‘gun violence in America.’

Biden suddenly started screaming as he launched his attack on the Second Amendment.

“The Second Amendment was never absolute! At the time of passage, you were not allowed to own cannons! No, I’m not kidding!” Biden shouted.

“It was never absolute! absoluteness! absoluteness! “Never!” Biden shouted.

Biden is completely shot. Kamala Harris covered up Biden’s cognitive decline.


The cannon claims have been repeatedly debunked.

According to historianThere is not a single example of a law prohibiting private ownership of cannons.

Biden received four Pinocchios from Washington Post fact-checkers for lying about cannon ownership.

Joe Biden has made similar remarks in the past.

Joe Biden previously announced executive action on gun control and said of the Second Amendment, “No amendment is absolute.”

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