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Home remedies for mastitis that actually work

13 Min Read

Breastfeeding comes with its fair share of challenges. From sore nipples to late-night feedings (and lots of holding your baby!), if you’re experiencing breast pain, flu-like symptoms, or blocked milk ducts, you may have mastitis. Here’s what mastitis is and the home remedies I’ve used successfully to treat breast infections.

A few years ago, after an 18-hour car ride with five kids (yeah, maybe I’m crazy), I got mastitis. The baby was quite happy in the car, and when the kids are happy, I drive too.

The first night, I went to bed early thinking that my fatigue was due to altitude sickness and my frustration was because I hadn’t fed all day. The next morning, I knew something was wrong. That afternoon, I noticed a large lump in my breast, a classic sign of a blocked milk duct. Later, my fever soared to 104 degrees (a sign that my immune system was fighting the infection). I completely understand and empathize with how horrible these types of infections can be!

What is mastitis?

Over the years, our understanding of what exactly mastitis is has changed. Breastfeeding mothers may have clogged milk ducts, which can lead to inflammation and infection (mastitis). If you notice pain, swelling, or a lump in your breast tissue (often near the areola), you likely have a blocked milk duct. If you start to see signs of infection, you most likely have lactation mastitis.

Risk factors and causes of mastitis include:

  • If the breast is weaned too quickly, the affected breast becomes engorged.
  • The baby’s health is poor and milk production is poor.
  • Pressure on the breasts (tight bra, seat belt, etc.)
  • Overfeeding leading to breast engorgement (which can also happen if you pump too often)
  • Infections due to breast injuries, such as cracked nipples

Symptoms of Mastitis

If you think you have mastitis, here’s what to watch for:

  • Pain, swelling, redness, and/or inflammation in the breast
  • Flu-like symptoms (including fever and body aches)
  • cake
  • nipple discharge
  • A lump of pus (breast abscess)
  • Decreased milk production in the affected breast

When I had mastitis, I was 1,300 miles away from home, my doctor and my midwife, and without most of the treatments I would have stayed home. I wanted to avoid antibiotics if possible, but if my mastitis is really bad, I may need to use antibiotics (which is a better option than developing an abscess).

I did what I normally do. It was crazy researching and trying natural remedies that I could do while nursing. After 4 days the lump disappeared and no symptoms remained. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this could probably have been avoided if you had simply nursed your baby more often.

Since I have mastitis, I have had the opportunity to try different treatments. These are the things that worked for me to treat mastitis naturally.

natural mastitis treatment

In the past, heat and additional pumping/supply were recommended. If you have a blocked duct, massaging and continuing to feed as usual may help. If you have an infection (mastitis), feeding or pumping more than usual can cause your body to produce more milk, which can lead to oversupply.

Because mastitis comes with inflammation, general advice is to take over-the-counter medications for pain and swelling. Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil, and ibuprofen are common examples. I’ve found that applying cold to the area and using other natural remedies works (and probably works better!).

1. Rest and frequent nursing

I’ve heard lactation consultants say that mastitis can be a sign that you’re pushing too hard and need a break. Another reason is going too long without nursing care. The first step I took when I found out I had mastitis was to go to bed and breastfeed my baby constantly. This helps milk flow through blocked ducts.

Try different breastfeeding positions to help your baby produce enough milk. Also make sure your baby’s mouth is latched properly. This will prevent your baby from completely losing milk. Signs that your baby may have lip or tongue tie that is causing problems include:

Signs of tongue and lip tie

  • Mom has nipple pain while breastfeeding.
  • Nipples appear wrinkled, stained, cracked, blistered, or bleeding.
  • Blocked ducts, infected nipples, or mastitis
  • Thrush on the nipple
  • Enlarged breasts (baby is not producing enough milk)

You may notice that your baby has the following symptoms:

  • shallow latch
  • Breasts appear and disappear frequently
  • Gums/chewing nipples
  • Clicking noises when breastfeeding
  • Swallowing a lot of air, gas, abdominal pain, and/or reflux may occur.
  • When nurses have long or short feeding intervals

We had Dr. Erin Appleton on the podcast and she had some really great information about breastfeeding and oral bonding, which you can listen to here.

2. Cold or hot compress

I find cold to be most useful for relieving pain, but sometimes I also use heat. I used a warm compress for 15 to 30 minutes before feeding to loosen the clogged ducts and make breastfeeding easier. Then apply an ice pack after feeding for 15 to 30 minutes to reduce swelling.

Try using ice packs or cold compresses for cooling and anti-inflammatory relief.

3. Massage

The material I looked at at the time said that massage was used to relieve blockages. I found relief by massaging the affected area in small circles while my baby was feeding. Now the sources are a bit more mixed on this one. According to one breast health expert, Dr. Mitchell:

“It is important to recognize that this is not just one “plug” of the hundreds of millions of tubes in the breast. This simply indicates temporary congestion of milk-producing cells and congestion of fluid and blood vessels.

If the mother experiences “plugs,” excessive massage should be strictly avoided. Excessive massage can injure breast tissue, break capillaries, worsen swelling, and lead to “phlegm” or abscesses.

The Cleveland Clinic adds that light lymphatic massage may be helpful. They also warn you not to put too much pressure on your breasts. To perform a lymphatic breast massage, gently stroke from the areola to the lymph nodes above the collarbone and under the armpits. This helps reduce swelling by moving trapped fluid.

this Happy Duct Glycerite Wish Garden improves lymph flow, helping to heal mastitis faster.

Giving your baby a gentle massage while he or she is feeding can help reduce milk production and improve milk flow. However, using massage can in some cases do more harm than good. If you are unsure, now is a good time to consult with an IBCLC lactation consultant.

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking water is very important when fighting mastitis. I always had a quart of water handy and drank water constantly to maintain my milk supply and help my body fight infections. Since our bodies are made up of 80% salt water, not 80% water, adding minerals is also a good idea!

I love this mineral drink recipe.

5. Raw garlic

Garlic may not be the best for your baby’s tummy, but its antibacterial properties work wonders against infections. Organic garlic can be found at the supermarket, so I ate a few cloves a day. I always do this when I have a bad infection or illness and it always gets better after a day or so. The easiest way I’ve found is to finely chop the garlic and then scoop out a small amount with a spoon. I will put it in my mouth and quickly chase it away with water.

If you’re not as adventurous as me, mixing some garlic and raw honey will make it a little easier!

6. Cabbage leaves

I remembered this suggestion from my hospital lactation consultant after I had my baby. I don’t know if it helped with the infection, but it felt good in the infected tube and it definitely didn’t hurt.

A 2012 meta-analysis looked at several studies of breastfeeding women using cabbage leaves for relief. Researchers found that cabbage leaves reduced pain and breast engorgement. Additionally, breastfeeding became easier, which helped women breastfeed for longer.

To use this treatment, place cold cabbage leaves directly on the breast over the affected breast area. Change it hourly as needed. Note: Some women notice a decrease in milk supply when using cabbage leaves, so caution should be used when using this remedy.

7. Vitamin C

I always take vitamin C with me when I travel, and luckily I had this with me. I took 4 capsules every 4 hours until the infection went away. Vitamin C supports the immune system and is good for all types of infections.

How vitamin C and vitamin E affect milk production is often studied in dairy animals. A 2005 study found that camels with low levels of vitamin C in their milk and plasma were more likely to develop mastitis. Of course, breastfeeding mothers are not camels, but animal studies seem to point to the importance of getting enough of these vitamins.

Some moms report good results after gently massaging vitamin E into their breast tissue after a nursing session.

8. Probiotics

I also had probiotics, so after my infections started to subside, I took a lot of them to help keep my immune system strong. I continued the high dose of probiotics for about a week before going back to my normal dose.

A 2022 meta-analysis examined how probiotics may help with mastitis symptoms. Researchers noted that probiotics reduced bad bacteria in the breast milk of both healthy mothers and those with mastitis. This means that probiotic supplements may help reduce the likelihood of developing mastitis symptoms. Even if you already have mastitis, probiotics can help you recover!

Final thoughts on home remedies for mastitis

The first day I found out I had mastitis, I felt terrible. Her fever soared, and she developed flu-like chills and muscle aches. Within 24 hours of starting this regimen, my fever went away and I felt much better. After 48 hours, only a small lump of pain remained, and after 3 days, I was back to normal.

Mastitis can be a serious infection and can cause more serious problems. Natural remedies do not help in all cases. If your symptoms worsen within a few days or become really uncomfortable, be sure to contact your healthcare provider for advice.

Have you ever had mastitis? How did you get rid of it? Share below!

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