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How to use panel data in econometric analysis

13 Min Read

Panel data econometrics has risen to prominence due to its ability to analyze data sets that contain both cross-sectional and time-series dimensions. This dual nature allows economists and researchers to explore how variables change over time in a variety of entities, making it a powerful tool for economic forecasting, policy evaluation, and identifying complex relationships in data. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at what panel data is, how to analyze panel data using fixed-effects and random-effects models, and real-world economic applications, highlighting the nuances of model selection.

What is panel data in econometrics?

Panel data refers to data sets that observe multiple entities (e.g. individuals, companies, countries) over time and provide repeated measurements over different time periods. This structure combines the benefits of cross-sectional data, which captures changes between entities, and time series data, which tracks changes over time. For example, panel data might include annual GDP, inflation, and employment rates for a set of countries over a 20-year period.

Econometric models that analyze panel data are designed to account for changes across entities and over time, making them ideal for studying dynamic economic relationships. This combination allows researchers to:

  • Controlling for individual heterogeneity: Panel data helps isolate the true impact of variables by accounting for differences between subjects.
  • Identify and analyze dynamics over time: Panel data captures temporal changes, allowing us to study how relationships evolve.
  • Improved Estimation Efficiency: The larger the number of observations in panel data, the more efficient and robust estimation is possible.

For economists, panel data is invaluable for analyzing changing behavior over time, such as how economic policies affect countries differently and how household income changes in response to policy changes.

Understanding cross-sectional data

Cross-sectional data represent observations of different entities at a single point in time. For example, consider GDP, inflation, and employment data for three countries (A, B, and C) for the year 2001.

nation year GDP inflation employment
no way 2001 1.5 2.0% 55%
rain 2001 2.1 1.5% 65%
aspirate 2001 1.2 2.5% 45%

This table shows what cross-sectional data looks like. Different entities (countries) are observed at a single point in time (year 2001). Although this helps you compare economic indicators across countries, it does not show how these indicators change over time.

Understand time series data

Time series data tracks changes in a single entity over various time periods. For example, let’s look at GDP data for country A over three years.

nation year GDP
no way 2001 1.5
no way 2002 1.7
no way 2003 1.8

This table shows time series data in which one entity (Country A) is tracked over several time periods (2001-2003). This helps you see how country A’s GDP changes over time, but it doesn’t allow you to compare it to other countries in the same year.

Combine cross-sectional and time-series data to form panel data

Panel data combines features of cross-sectional data (observations across multiple entities) and time series data (observations over multiple time periods) into one data set. For example, consider a data set of three countries (A, B, and C) observed over three years.

nation year GDP inflation employment
no way 2001 1.5 2.0% 55%
no way 2002 1.7 2.1% 56%
no way 2003 1.8 2.2% 57%
rain 2001 2.1 1.5% 65%
rain 2002 2.2 1.6% 66%
rain 2003 2.3 1.7% 67%
aspirate 2001 1.2 2.5% 45%
aspirate 2002 1.3 2.6% 46%
aspirate 2003 1.4 2.4% 47%

This structure allows researchers to analyze how each country’s GDP, inflation, and employment change over time and compare these changes across different countries over the same period.

Why is it called longitudinal data?

Panel data is also called longitudinal data because it involves observing the same individuals over time. This longitudinal aspect allows us to track “long-term” effects or changes within each firm, such as how GDP or employment in country A changes over several years. Comparisons can also be made between entities, such as country A and country B, from year to year.

Longitudinal data captures both:

  • Transformations within an entity: How a specific entity changes over time (e.g. GDP growth in country A).
  • Transformations between entities: How to compare different entities at a specific point in time (e.g. comparing GDP between country A and country B in 2001)

Fixed and random effects models

Two of the most commonly used econometric models in panel data analysis are the fixed effects model and the random effects model. Understanding the differences between these models is important to determine how to properly analyze panel data.

fixed effects model

Fixed effects (FE) models control for individual characteristics that may affect the dependent variable but remain constant over time. In the FE model, each entity has its own intercept, allowing for entity-specific variability.

The general form of a fixed effects model is:

Y_{it} = \alpha_i + \beta X_{it} + u_{it}


  • whythat: Dependent variable for entity me in time tea.
  • αme: Individual specific interception of entities meControls time-invariant characteristics.
  • Xthat: Explanatory variable.
  • β: Coefficient of explanatory variable.
  • youthat: Error term.

When to use a fixed effects model:

  • Focus on variables that change over time: FE models are ideal for analyzing the impact of time-varying variables within an entity of primary interest.
  • Presence of omitted variable bias: When there are unobserved characteristics that vary between entities but are constant over time, FE models help control for these factors.


  • Reduce bias by controlling all time-invariant characteristics of the entity.
  • The effects of variables that change over time can be more accurately estimated.

random effects model

Random effects (RE) models, on the other hand, assume that differences between subjects are random and uncorrelated with the model’s independent variables. RE treats these differences as part of the error term, rather than allowing each entity its own intercept.

The general form of a random effects model is:

Y_{it} = \alpha + \beta X_{it} + u_{it} + \epsilon_i


  • whythat: Dependent variable for entity me in time tea.
  • α: Overall blocking.
  • εme: Random effects specific to each entity.
  • Other terms are as defined above.

When to use a random effects model:

  • Inclusion of time-invariant variables: If you need to include variables that do not change over time (e.g. geographic location), RE allows you to include these variables as explanatory variables.
  • Assumption of no correlation: The RE model is appropriate when the eigenerror (ϵi\epsilon_iϵi​) is uncorrelated with the explanatory variables.


  • If the assumption of no correlation holds, it is more efficient than FE.
  • A more extensive analysis is possible by including time-invariant variables.

Choosing between fixed and random effects using the Hausman test

When deciding between a fixed and random effects model, we often use the Hausman test, which tests whether the eigenerror (ϵi\epsilon_iϵi​) is correlated with the regressors.

  • When the Hausman test rejects the null hypothesis: Fixed-effects models are used because they indicate that subject-specific effects are correlated with independent variables.
  • When the Hausman test fails to reject the null hypothesis:Random effects models are more efficient and can be used.

The Hausman test is an important step in panel data analysis because choosing the wrong model can lead to biased or inefficient estimates.

Real life example: economic growth analysis using panel data

Consider a dataset that examines the impact of trade openness and inflation on economic growth in 50 countries over a 10-year period. Our goal is to determine how these variables affect GDP growth while taking country-specific characteristics into account.

Step-by-step panel data analysis

data preparation:

Make sure your dataset has both cross-sectional (countries) and time series (years) dimensions. Clean the data to address missing values ​​and ensure consistency across observations.

Perform pooled OLS regression:

To understand relationships without considering subject-specific effects, start with pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) regression.

GDP_{it} = \alpha + \beta_1 \text{TradeOpen}_{it} + \beta_2 \text{Inflation}_{it} + u_{it}

We estimate a fixed effects model.

To account for country-specific characteristics, run a fixed-effects model.

GDP_{it} = \alpha_i + \beta_1 \text{TradeOpen}_{it} + \beta_2 \text{Inflation}_{it} + u_{it}

Each country gets its own intercept (\(\alpha_i\)) that controls for unobservable characteristics such as geographic factors or cultural differences.

Estimate a random effects model.

Run a random effects model to determine whether it is appropriate to randomize country-specific effects.

GDP_{it} = \alpha + \beta_1 \text{TradeOpen}_{it} + \beta_2 \text{Inflation}_{it} + \epsilon_i + u_{it}

Perform the Hausman test.

Use the Hausman test to compare fixed-effects and random-effects models. If the test statistic is significant, use the fixed effects model.

Interpretation of results:

Interpret the coefficients according to your chosen model to understand how trade openness and inflation affect GDP growth in different countries. Analyze whether variables show significant effects and the direction of these relationships.

Limitations of panel data analysis and solutions

Panel data offers rich analytical opportunities, but it also presents challenges:

missing data

Panel datasets often have gaps due to missing observations. Imputation techniques such as mean imputation or regression-based imputation can help solve this problem.


Because panel data involve time series observations, autocorrelation can affect the results. Using models such as robust standard errors or dynamic panel data (e.g. GMM) can alleviate this problem.


Including many explanatory variables can lead to multicollinearity. Address this issue by removing highly correlated variables or using dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA.


Panel data provides a versatile and comprehensive framework for analyzing datasets that contain both cross-sectional and time-series dimensions. It is particularly useful for understanding dynamic relationships in economics by allowing for individual effects and capturing changes over time. Choosing between fixed and random effects models is important, and the Hausman test provides a systematic way to determine which model is best for your analysis. Addressing issues such as missing data, autocorrelation, and multicollinearity ensures the accuracy and reliability of the resulting model.

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