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How Trump and Vance Will Tackle Global Hot Zones

2 Min Read

Subscriber+ Exclusive Reports – Whoever wins the U.S. presidential election on November 5 will face an almost unprecedented array of global security challenges: war in Europe and the Middle East (unless it ends before then), tense relations with China, the possibility of conflict over Taiwan, and increasingly powerful and organized adversaries (some call them adversaries). “Axis of Authoritarianism” – was set against the United States and the West. Along with it came an increase in the threat of terrorism. “A whole other level” As FBI Director Christopher Wray puts it, it’s largely a result of Israel’s war in Gaza.

“The global security challenge facing America… we haven’t seen anything like it since World War II.” General Jack Keen, all Cypher Brief The former deputy chief of staff of the U.S. Army told the Aspen Security Conference on Wednesday: He highlighted the Russia-China-Iran-North Korea axis as “a major security threat that we have not yet considered.”

“The Cipher Brief has become the most popular outlet for former intelligence officers, and no other outlet rivals it in the number of articles published by former intelligence officers.” —September 2018, Studies in Intelligence, Vol. 62

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