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Inside Michael Flynn’s Family Business

1 Min Read

new york times: “Since leaving the Trump administration under an ethical cloud, Michael Flynn has turned the celebrity presence of Trumpworld into a lucrative and sprawling family business. He and his relatives promoted the retired general as a martyr, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for legal defense funds and pocketing the remaining money.”

“Through a network of nonprofit and for-profit ventures, they peddled far-right conspiracy theories, from lies about the 2020 election to warnings about a cabal of pedophiles and child traffickers embraced by QAnon followers.”

“A New York Times investigation found that Flynn family members have profited from Michael Flynn’s right-wing stardom in recent years, earning at least $2.2 million, more than half of which went directly to Mr. Flynn. “This total includes several previously unreported payments, but is still a low estimate because not all financial records are public.”

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