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Is sleeping naked better for your health?

7 Min Read

The link between sleep and health is clear. There’s a lot to sleep. Scientifically Backed Benefits.

Sleeping naked? Well, there is no direct evidence that sleeping naked is good for your health.

But if sleeping naked helps you feel cool and comfortable, and thus helps you sleep better, then the habit could be contributing to better health. It turns out that sleeping naked can help. regulate body temperature And this will improve your sleep.

Getting enough sleep has been shown to help you maintain a healthy weight, feel better, and lower your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Centers for Disease Control.

4 Potential Benefits of Sleeping Naked

The temperature of your room can affect the quality of your sleep. For better or worse. Here’s why a cool room (and cool body!) can help you sleep better and stay healthy overall. And all that rest comes with other health benefits, too.

1. Helps you fall asleep faster

Temperature is a key factor in helping you fall asleep. This is because your sleep cycle is linked to your body’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms are the physical, mental, and behavioral changes you experience over a 24-hour period. The time of day and night is the primary driver of your circadian rhythm. It affects functions such as hunger, hormone levels, and sleep patterns.Circadian rhythms also affect body temperature, causing people to feel hotter or cooler at different times of the day.

At the end of the day, your circadian rhythm triggers the release of melatonin, which lowers your core body temperature. That drop in temperature promotes sleepiness and makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Cleveland Clinic Notes If it’s too hot, you may have trouble sleeping or wake up at night. According to research The best room temperature for sleep is 66 to 69 degrees Fahrenheit.

One of the main benefits of sleeping nude is that your bare skin cools down when exposed to air. Staying cool helps you fall asleep more easily. Being nude also helps you avoid getting too hot at night.

2. It may help increase metabolism

Staying undressed overnight can help lower your skin temperature and increase your overall metabolism. According to some studies, When you sleep cool, your body has to work harder to maintain its 98.6 degree body temperature. It’s called a special type of body fat. brown adipose tissue It is important for generating body heat. Brown fat requires energy to function, so it taps into stores of white fat cells to do the work.

According to research Quality sleep activates brown fat activity And it boosts your overall metabolism. A cool room and bare body can improve your sleep quality and give your brown fat a chance to work its metabolic magic.

The quality of your sleep affects your metabolism, even while you’re awake. Results It turns out that getting more than six hours of quality sleep every night is linked to weight loss. The reasons are complex. For one thing, sleep deprivation seems to trigger the desire to snack. People who are chronically sleep-deprived are more likely to try to boost their energy by eating high-calorie snacks during the day to offset their low energy levels.

Lack of sleep negatively affects your metabolism. Experts believe Sleep deprivation suppresses appetite control, which can affect metabolism and lead to weight gain.

3. It can reduce stress levels and overall anxiety.

Sleep quality can affect your mental health, and vice versa. Stress and anxiety can cause sleep problems like insomnia. At the same time, fatigue due to lack of sleep can make anxiety and depression more prominent. 2021 Study on Sleep and Mental Health We’ve found that not getting enough sleep or lack of REM sleep can increase your risk of developing mental health problems.

Stress can make it happen It’s harder to fall asleep. How often do you lie in bed with your mind in a state of confusion instead of relaxing and taking time to rest?

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4. It can improve skin health

The idea of ​​beauty sleep has some surprising scientific backing. A good night’s sleep does more than just reduce your risk of developing dark circles under your eyes. A 2022 study found that Late bedtime can reduce skin moisture Content, firmness, elasticity. In another study, Poor quality sleep has been linked to increased sebum production, decreased skin elasticity, and poor moisture retention.

Getting undressed and going to bed early can help with your nighttime skin care routine.

The Role of Nutrition in Sleep Quality

Another factor that contributes to the quality of your sleep is nutrition. What you eat can affect your sleep.

There is a lot of anecdotal data about how fried foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine can make you toss and turn. On the other hand, scientific evidence shows that a balanced diet can improve the quality of your sleep. According to a recent study The Best Meal Plan for Better Sleep It’s a protein-rich diet. Amino acids that are good for sleep Like tryptophan, which is found in lean meats, dairy products, and legumes. Eating fruits high in antioxidants, such as cherries and kiwi, and low-glycemic carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans, and nuts, are also good for sleep.

You can see how your diet affects you quality of sleep at MyFitnessPal App. Just pair your MyFitnessPal account with your health data from apps like Health Connect or Apple Health. MyFitnessPal shows you how your daily food, water, and exercise choices affect your sleep patterns.

Conclusion: Stay cool and comfortable

Whether you sleep naked or not, being comfortable and cool can help you sleep better. Take off your pajamas, open the windows, turn on the air conditioning. Lower the temperature for better rest and, therefore, better health.

Originally published August 28, 2020 | Updated June 25, 2024

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