Stockholm, Sweden, January 31 (IPS) -Donald Trump signed an administrative order to withdraw the United States. World Health Organization (WHO) Director experts say that the United States and other countries are less safe from infectious diseases and other public health threats. So you can return to Global Covid 19 Pandemic. Did the threat actually disappear? Can’t similar things explode again?

A large amount of ingredients in the notorious Japanese Unit 731 When World War II brought from the Soviet Union to the Soviet Union and the United States, it became the basis of the development of Serdell Robsk facilities and in the United States Army Biological War Laboratory In Fort Detrick, Fred Rick, Maryland, it has developed further as in the Soviet Union. Strangely, Fort Detrick’s facility was closed three months before the first incident of SARS-COV-2 was reported in China in August 2019. The reason for the closure was cited as “a serious risk of serious threats to public, animals or plant health as well as animal or vegetable products.” More details were not provided.
Unit 731 Secret biological and chemical war research and development units. Imperial Japanese ArmyWhere a terrible human experiment occurred -no one survived this experiment, and nevertheless, it was recorded three severely recorded by the researchers who performed the experiment and left a vast document. In 1936 and 1945, about 14,000 victims were killed in 731, established in the occupied Manchuria, and at least 300,000 individuals died due to the infectious diseases derived from 731.
What is happening in the world’s intense protection and well -protected microbial facilities? First of all, vaccines and drugs are often developed to eradicate and treat various diseases that threaten life. But like all studies, this may have disadvantages. Ron Fouchier is famous for his study of respiratory viruses. The way they can be mutated and spread from animals to animals to humans. His study is also evidence of how to manipulate and change viruses and microorganisms in the laboratory environment. 2003, at the annual meeting Influenza’s European Science Working GroupThe assembled microbiologists have made the virus much more contagious by explaining how Fouchier moved from one animal to another animal.
He later said, “I have turned the genetic sequence of the bird virus in various ways until someone really persuaded me to really be stupid. He made the virus mutated in the nose of a white weasel, embedding the virus, and then transplanting the animal’s nose fluid to another white weasel nose. After 10 manipulation with another white weasel on one white weasel, the virus spread itself between the animals and most of them died in a few days. Fouchier was found to be much more fatal than the original bird virus by discovering five new mutations of the virus and combining with a single super virus. Therefore, he probably achieved things that could happen in nature, where the virus is increasingly fatal because the virus is mutated when moved from one animal to another. What happens in nature can be done much faster and more efficiently in the laboratory. Fouchier’s virus is now safely stored in Rotterdam’s underground facilities.
China is the country that has suffered most of the biological wars. when Unit 731 Some researchers captured by Russia and Americans were destroyed, and the Chinese would not have much interest or time to focus on the scientific results of the Japanese biological -chemical war program. The country was torn by a violent fight between the Chiang Kai-Sik Republic and the Communists of Mao Braking. But there was a branch Unit 731 In China’s control area. Unit 731 The largest auxiliary facilities were established in Beijing, Nanjing and Guangzhou, and it is likely that the Chinese military has succeeded in securing some data in this installation.
After the victory of war and communist China Science Academy‘Beijing’s facilities have become the center of the microbial research of this country, and the branch was established throughout China. Wuhan’s microbial laboratory was founded in 1956 and first focused on research on zoo transmission of viral diseases.
ensign Hong Kong flu In the summer of 1968, more than a million people died after hitting China and spreading to Hong Kong, and after the disease spread around the world, more than a million people died. This served as a warning to the Chinese authorities and began to work carefully with international epidemiologists despite the general confusion in this country. This cooperation has deepened over the years. Wuhan’s laboratory develops intimate cooperation and exchanges with researchers Gallery Ston National Laboratory At the University of Texas, Canada’s National Microbiology Research Institute Center International de Recherche en InfectiOlogie In Lyon, France.
SARS virus, a group of deadly corona viruses, first appeared in November 2002, causing a relatively gentle epidemic with about 8,500 cases. It was a researcher group Wuhan’s Virus Research Institute I knew that Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs of corona viruses like SARS. Wuhan researchers collected samples from thousands of horseshoe bats across China and separated over 300 Bat Coronavirus sequences. In 2015, the international team, including the two researchers of Wuhan Institute, published a study on the probability that the corona virus of the bat could infect human cell lines. They combined the bat corona virus and the SARS virus to form a hybrid virus, and then grown up in mice and adjusted them to replicate human diseases. This hybrid virus has been found to be able to infect human cells.
Where did we still start SARS-COV-2? You can go back completely Unit 731? maybe. Did you come out of the bat? Very possible. Was it leaked? Wuhan’s Virus Research Institute? This is an open question. On December 4, 2024, most researchers mentioned the famous British Science Weekly Journal, who agreed that SARS-COV-2 discovered the origin of animals. But since the decisive origin of the virus has not yet been tracked to any animal, some researchers argue that the virus may have been leaked by chance or intentionally intentionally developed. Wuhan’s Virus Research Institute.
In August of the same year, editorials of the same famous British medicine journal Lancet I did it in the monthly problem Lancet Microbe “SARS-COV-2 more than 1 centuries or more to end the virus leaked from Wuhan’s research laboratory. It is academic to entertain the alternative hypothesis, but especially when there is a shortage of evidence, the alternative hypothesis has been inevitable for a long time and the surveillance increases. Those who are eager to know the suggestions for the intervention of the laboratory have not been able to continue to provide trusted arguments to support their position. ”
that Lancet ‘s The editor -in -chief continues to say that the passionate attacks of amateurs can threaten and scare scientists who are trying to objectively pursue research.
“The worrying potential result of this Saga is that it can have a cold effect on pursuing answers in the future with both Covid-19 and new potential threats. The researchers do not want to ask questions about the fear of being persecuted when the truth leads to an inevitable improvement or a revision of previous conclusions. ”
Therefore, we must keep science from being disturbed under the supervision. But this does not mean that we must yield to unfounded conspiracy theory and leave global scientific cooperation. Leaving the WHO, the United States is taking its first step on a dangerous road. This is a medical study in consideration of President Trump’s decision to nominate Robert F Kennedy JR (Robert F Kennedy JR) without medical knowledge and to nominate Robert F Kennedy JR. I am more concerned about Trump’s decision to supervise everything from safety and public welfare programs. One of Trump’s obligations to provide Kennedy is to remove “corruption” from a health institution.
Main source: Harris, Sheldon H. (2002) Factory of Death: Japanese Biology War 1932-1945 and US concealment. New York: Routedge and Spectric, Michael (2012) “The Most Deadly Virus” New Yorker, March 4.
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