Jason Kelce doesn’t seem to be in trouble for his Penn State phone bombing incident.
Earlier this fall, a strange troll pounced on Jason Kelce and hurled homophobic slurs at him. The act was despicable, but the context was very bizarre.
Although many people defended him for appearing to damage his assailant’s cell phone, destroying someone’s property is generally illegal.
But authorities say the retired footballer is in trouble.

No, Jason Kelce isn’t in trouble for his phone mishap.
According to Penn State University police: say TMZThe investigation into the encounter with Jason Kelce, possibly involving a student, is now closed.
A police official explained, “The person in the video distributed on social media has not been identified.” “And no one has reported any related complaints about damage to personal property to university police.”
Most people would try to come forward if someone, let alone a celebrity, grabbed their phone and threw it on the ground. But looking at the situation, it’s easy to see why someone might not want to confess to being the person in question.

As you may recall, some randos approached Jason Kelce in November.
“Kelce, do you think you hate your brother dating Taylor Swift?” The troll vented, using a homophobic slur in the process. (No, it doesn’t make sense in context)
Travis’ response was to grab the unidentified individual’s phone and plug it into the ground. Many people thought it was an appropriate and even relatable response to Travis’ insults and slurs toward his brother.
It wasn’t Jason Kelce’s best moment
Shortly thereafter, Jason repeated the slur and apologized to ESPN for it.
“Listen. “I am not satisfied with anything that has happened,” he declared. “I’m not proud of it.”
Jason said: “In the heat of the moment, I choose to meet hate with hate, and I don’t think that’s a productive thing to do. “It really isn’t like that.”

Some people were critical of Jason for not responding to the troll at all. Marlowe argued there was no justification for damaging someone’s phone.
The counterargument, of course, is that the use of homophobic slurs (one of several slurs whose use has increased in recent years, particularly during the campaign of disgraced former (and future) President Donald Trump) changes society. situation.
Slurs are not just words, and those who throw them as weapons deserve retribution. Of course, this also applies to Jason. No one seriously believes Jason is a homophobe, and it’s a good thing he apologized. But he shouldn’t have used the slur in the first place.

Maybe he can put this strange, strange incident behind him.
we are not yet question An unnamed troll explains why he used a homophobic slur to specifically refer to Travis Kelce. Men who date women are generally not considered ‘gay’, no matter how many fans they have.
I’m reminded of the infamous tweet in which a Twitter rando said A$AP Rocky was: gay or effeminate During a photo shoot with Rihanna. This caused other social media users to reply You’re asking if it’s ‘gay’ for a man to get Rihanna pregnant twice.
Simply put, some people have lost the plot. But at least Jason Kelce is out of the woods. Unless his assailant tries to take him to civil court, one assumes.