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Lawyers may need to ask expert witnesses “whether they used AI to draft their declarations and what they did to verify AI-generated content.”

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at Coles v EllisonHere’s a more extensive quote from a previous post:

Certainly, Attorney General Ellison claims that his office had no knowledge that Professor Hancock’s declaration contained a false quotation, and the Attorney General’s counsel offered a sincere apology during oral argument for the unintentional false quotation of Professor Hancock’s declaration. The court accepts Attorney General Ellison’s word and appreciates his candor in setting matters straight.

But Attorney General Ellison’s lawyers reminded that Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 imposes a “personal, non-delegable responsibility” to “verify the truth and legal reasonableness of the documents filed” in a lawsuit. The court suggested a “reasonable investigation under the circumstances.” R. Civilization. P. 11(b) now allows lawyers to ask witnesses whether they used AI to draft their declarations and what they did to verify AI-generated content.

thanks Professor Anthony Bushnell Just to point out the importance of this particular passage.

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