Literature, called a new history of capitalism, argues that Western prosperity is based on the heritage of exploitation, such as colonialism and slavery. Economists are very skeptical that new historians of capitalism maintain many cases of fundamental misunderstandings of basic economic concepts. National income accounting. Economists criticized some of the basic texts of the movement. In Blogosphere and Journal.
After World War II, there is a relevant work called a new capitalist history, which focuses on the conspiracy that starts at the first meeting of neoliberalism and April 1947, in the first meeting of Mont Pelerin Society. DemocracyIn the 1950s, I tried to connect James M -Bush Cannon with the separation of Virginia, and Michael Munger said, “Speculative. ” Another contribution is the work of Quinn SLOBODIAN, which includes a work to find fascist sympathy in the cautious and careful words of Ludwig von Mises.
Maclean’s buchanan treatment is as prominent as the treatment of Naomi Klein. Milton Friedman ~ Shock Doctrine: Rising of disaster capitalismI reviewed here. Another wrong interpretation comes from QUINN SLOBODIAN’s treatment of Ludwig von Mises and in his book. Globalist. Sandy Darity, M’Balou Camara and Maclean Pick up the description of Hut and Visrepresent of Slobodian Controversy PHIL MAGNESS, ILIA MURTASHVILI, and I make (MAGNESS and I respond here; The published version of their paper is hereWith Murtazashvili, we respond here).
consider MISES and FA HAYEK were insensitive to fascist sympathy. Miss wrote exaggerated writings, saying that lovers of freedom should thank the fascists who chased the communists. But this is not because the fascists thought it was good, but because the communists thought it was worse. It’s like the Battle of Stalingrad Enemy. There are no good people, bad guys (Soviet), or worse (Nazi). It is not the approval of communism that Soviet helps to defeat Hitler.
The opposition to the totalitarian socialism of MISES (Nazism) and the totalitarian socialism (communism) of the left is so complete Topic of 1998 Batman Chronicles The title is “Berlin Batman. ” “What should I do if Bruce Wayne is a Jewish artist named Baruch Wan in Berlin in the 1930s?” When Baruch Wan heard that Nazi Kommisar had to meet the train because he seized the book and library of Ludwig Von Misar, he tried to prevent them (perhaps he did not delay and prevent them). Nevertheless Human behavior As a book that rejects totalitarian doctrine and accepts freedom.
Does comic books describe decisive evidence? No, but it is implicit. If Miss Xianni Nazi liberalism is so obvious, if it is the target of Batman cartoons, there will probably not be much to read between the lines.
[Editor:ThereadermaybeabletohavealibertymattersforumwhichisaPhilmagness[편집자주:독자는PhilMagness가이끄는이LibertyMattersForum에도관심이있을수있습니다[Editor’snote:ReadersmayalsobeinterestedinthisLibertyMattersforumledbyPhilMagnessThe reason we do not need the history of “new” capitalism.))
Art Carden is Professor Economics & Medical Properties of Samford University.