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Merrick Garland’s DOJ cheer rally proves Trump won the debate

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Boss Tweed via Wikimedia Commons

Written by Matt Gaetz, CEO of RealClearPolitics

Today, Merrick Garland held a pep rally for DOJ staff. Why now? Well, two days ago, we heard President Donald Trump criticize the DOJ for its weaponization, and Kamala Harris had no reaction. Trump clearly won that exchange, and the swamp now has to clean up her mess.

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Remember, in the debate, the ABC moderators intercepted Trump’s answer about illegal immigration crimes and pushed fake FBI statistics, which Trump ignored. Harris’s answer did not talk about immigration, but instead mentioned that Trump had been indicted. Trump explained that all the cases against him were fake and failed, orchestrated by Garland and the Biden-Harris administration. Of course, we know this is true. But the icing on the cake was Harris’s final non-answer. Donald Trump It will weaponize the Department of Justice.

They are talking about themselves.

But Harris’ campaign strategy and Garland’s mandate are clear: Blame Trump for what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are doing now.

Let’s be honest, being a Biden and Harris staffer is tough. You might be asked to violate department protocol and raid the former president before dawn, but you turn a blind eye to the legally worse situation involving Joe and the classified documents in his garage. You might be asked to spy on your neighbors at church or school board meetings. You might be asked not to prosecute actual crimes related to immigration, opioids, or Black Lives Matter, but you might be asked to prosecute an old lady who prayed on the sidewalk.

It must be really discouraging to go to work like this every day.

And if you complain? If you follow the rules, but go to the inspector general, or the council, or your boss? Forget it. If you break the law, you can lose your job, get suspended without pay, get kicked out of your job, or have your security clearance revoked. That’s what happened to Marcus Allen, Stephen Friend, and many others during the Garland and Harris era.

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This is unacceptable.

While Harris and Garland use their platforms to gaslight America and say they are “proud” of the Justice Department being “independent” and free from “political interference,” ask yourself: Who is really politicizing the judicial system?

Who is busing tens or hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into our cities just to get their votes? It’s Kamala Harris, not Donald Trump. Harris and the current administration are responsible for the tragedies that occur at the border every day.

Who refuses to say the names of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungarei because it’s politically inconvenient? It’s Donald Trump, not Kamala Harris.

Who raised money to keep violent criminals out of jail in Minnesota? Not Donald Trump, but Kamala Harris. Harris’s California-style anti-crime policies are tearing apart our cities, especially the deep red rural areas of swing states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin that she wants to target.

Who is the Justice Department that sent letters to county clerks and secretaries of state across the country warning that they will be prosecuted if they are too aggressive in protecting elections? Kamala Harris’s, not Donald Trump’s. Just last week, states that compile voter rolls under federal law were threatened by Garland. This is unfathomable.

Who is the DOJ that failed to investigate election problems across the country, from election technology being completely open to foreign access and control to mailing in ballots without proof of citizenship? Kamala Harris, not Donald Trump.

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And who is the Justice Department that is fooling around on consumer protections, who allowed drug prices to skyrocket, who was the tie-breaking vote on the inflation reduction bill that would have eliminated 21 drugs from Medicare Part D and raised premiums by double digits, with even more increases coming in 2025? Kamala Harris, not Donald Trump.

America is at a crossroads, and while Merrick Garland is right to be concerned about the politicization of the Justice Department and the federal government, perhaps he and Kamala Harris should take a look in the mirror.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) represents Florida’s 1st Congressional District. He is currently serving his third term in the U.S. House of Representatives and is a member of the 117th Congress.

Jointly published with permission In RealClearWire.

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