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When we use the industry-designed term net zero operations, we mean that no Scope 3 emissions are included. As a result, BP could theoretically become officially carbon neutral and claim net-zero operations without reducing the amount of oil and gas it sells to customers.

Chris Hocknell Founder and CEO Eight Versa “The term net zero operations has gained prominence this year. It’s being thrown around haphazardly and inaccurately. Oil companies are using it as a reassuring artificial green stamp of approval to appease investors, consumers and politicians.

“This is despite minimal progress being made to truly reduce Scope 3 emissions. If companies do this and ignore it, they ultimately allow more of the same to continue. We will not see reductions in Scope 3. “In fact, if these corporate actions continue unchecked, everything is needed.”

“There is no denying that companies like BP have significantly reduced their Scope 1 and 2 emissions in recent years. Of course, this must be acknowledged and welcomed. However, this reduction is a reduction in oceans compared to Scope 3 emissions. Emissions from the fuel they provide are clearly the biggest problem.

He said: “There needs to be greater and clearer standardization of the use of terms such as ‘net zero’ and ‘carbon neutral’ to avoid misleading the public, politicians and other companies. True net zero companies will not contribute significantly to carbon neutrality. It’s a climate crisis.

green wash

“We can no longer afford the confusion and time wasted caused by net-zero billing, which conveniently ignores the largest portion of our company’s emissions. If you see the term ‘net zero operations’ you should immediately ask questions. It doesn’t exist.”

He concluded: “SBTi has ‘paused’ verification of fossil fuel companies. They are wary of evolving marketing strategies and increasing misuse of the term in the fossil fuel sector. But this pause does not help anyone. Instead, we We need clearer, stronger, more rigorous and meaningfully enforced language.”

Campaigners hope that by introducing greater clarity and enforcement around the available definitions of net zero, carbon neutrality and offsets, companies will be forced to consider and disclose the full impact of their operations, including the actual use of their products. I hope so. We produce and sell.

Eight Versa is promoting a natural carbon solution certification designed specifically to solve these kinds of problems.

Hocknell concluded: “It is clear that corporate net-zero carbon commitments must be given credible credibility, fair terms, credibility and objectivity. The corporate sector has the most important role to play in the fight against the climate crisis, so we must work with them to help spread the confusion. Rather than relying on misleading and ineffective terminology that is ultimately environmentally friendly, real net zero will be essential.”

This author

Brendan Montague is the editor. ecologist.

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