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Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen shares her cooking secrets.

14 Min Read

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I always feel a spark of magic every time I visit ambitious kitchen. The homepage is a study in everything aesthetic, eye-catching, and downright delicious. Of course, there are recipes rich in flavor and color, but there is also the variety and quantity of inspiring dishes that Monique Volz develops (and tests, photographs and thoughtfully writes about…). Monique, who founded her healthy living and food blog 10 years ago, claims she has a unique corner of the internet. This has evolved along with her growth as a blogger and business owner and the vibrant and dedicated community she has built.

What Monique makes clear in every recipe is that what she creates isn’t just food, it’s a story. She seamlessly weaves her narratives, reflections, and personal anecdotes into her recipes. Through her writing, we learn not only about Monique but also about the spirit that runs through her brand. Ambition, she says, is not just about getting things done. It’s about pursuing and honoring the journey that takes you where you want to go.

Monique Volz is drinking coffee.

Waking Up with Monique Volz of Ambitious Kitchen

Monique’s dedication to existence not only impacts her work, but also the way she lives each day. A busy mom raising three sons (all under four), Monique manages her role as a mom and runs her small business with grace, acceptance, and wholesome real conversation. As she reflects on her morning routine, she wishes she could share something more similar to the eager TikToks that fill every FYP, she jokes. But she embraces the chaos of AM and prioritizes her points of connection with her five loving families.

Often, in true ambitious kitchen fashion, that means a delicious and nutritious breakfast. “It’s important to me to set the tone of the day in a fun way,” she says. From the way Monique describes her own morning ritual and goes about her tasks, it’s clear that she’s found a balance that allows her to do her best in this season of her life. By being mindful of what fills her own cup and aligning her day with exactly that, she can consistently channel her passion, grow her business, and make time for the things that matter most to her. .

We sat down with Monique to learn more about her morning ritual. From her minimalist beauty routine (yes, we’re going to steal it) to the wardrobe formula she swears by for her success, Monique has plenty of inspiration to share. Let’s dive in.

wait for a sec… For more delicious recipes (125 to be exact, including Glowing Skin Vitamin A Smoothie, Best Cinnamon Rolls, Buffalo Chicken Chop Chop Salad, and more), pre-order Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook, Scheduled to be released in fall 2024)

Monique Boltz living room.
Monique Volz is drinking coffee.

Please tell us about your career and entrepreneurship. What was life like as an entrepreneur?

I started Ambitious Kitchen when I was 22, and three years later I was working full time. So this journey of entrepreneurship has felt like most of my career. It has been a blessing to be able to share my passion for food and wellness with others for over 10 years.

It has also helped me heal from trauma, practice vulnerability, succeed, fail, and get back up again. It taught me the importance of structure, time management, organization, and most of all, determination.

I decided to create a blog from scratch, even though I didn’t yet know where the path would take me. In my 20s, I worked hard, often without staying up late and having a social life, to run my business and become what I am today. I’m so proud that I’ve been able to touch so many people’s lives with my recipes and storytelling. Whether that means getting them to try a new skill or recipe in the kitchen, or just bringing readers together for an enjoyable, comforting, and nutritious family meal.

What’s the biggest thing you’ve learned over the past year?

Knowing my limits and taking breaks to be the best version of myself. It’s about recognizing when I’m doing my best and willing to let things go or move things around even though I know it will cost me my time or my mental health. As an entrepreneur, I always want to say yes to everything, but setting boundaries has been very important, especially since becoming a mom.

Monique Volz Journaling Living Room

How would you describe your personal style?

It feels feminine, romantic and a little edgy.

What is your everyday outfit?

A black sweatshirt or shirt, Madewell jeans, a thick black belt, a cute vintage colorful or patterned blazer or jacket, and platform shoes or black boots! These are almost always the clothes I like to wear.

Monique Bolz Foldable Blanket

What does a typical day look like for you?

It really depends. When it comes to recipe testing, I typically test about two days a week and up to five or six recipes per day. I like to test most recipes 2-3 times before posting them on the blog because they don’t always come out perfect. When I’m not testing recipes, I’m writing and editing recipes, managing my staff, filming videos for my upcoming YouTube series, filming voiceovers or reels, and doing a lot of administrative work. It’s amazing how much time I spend doing things I don’t enjoy. But that’s part of being an entrepreneur!

What time is your wake-up call?

My kids wake me up in the morning, usually between 5:30 and 6 AM. I think I sleep about 6 to 7 hours a day. I wish there was more of it!

Monique Boltz pouring coffee
Monique Bolz Kitchen

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Snuggle up with my boys and talk about our day and have a cup of coffee.

What is your morning routine before work?

I hope this sounds like one of those incredibly inspiring morning routines you see on TikTok, but the truth is that mornings are very confusing for us. We have three boys under the age of four, and we are busy in the mornings getting them fed and clothed. Usually I wake up between 5:30 and 6 a.m. with the kids. I’ll brush my teeth and immediately go downstairs to unload the dishwasher and get some coffee. I drink coffee together Caliphia Toast Coconut Almond Milk (So ​​good!) Then I’ll make pancakes, waffles, smoothies, muffins at home, or if I’m in a hurry, I’ll grab something from the freezer.

Spending time with my children in the morning is very important to me, and I love being able to provide them with nutritious food before they start their day. When I was a little girl, I always felt too rushed to get out the door and my mom rarely made breakfast. It’s important to me to set the tone for the day in a fun way.

After breakfast, everyone gets dressed and walks or drives to school around 8 a.m. A few days a week I exercise and strength train before I start my day. I would like to do more of this, but I feel like I am in a very busy season of my life and I accept that it won’t last forever!

What rituals do you need for success?

I always write down a list of things I need to accomplish and rank them in order of importance. It’s difficult to complete everything you need to do in a given day, but giving importance to tasks helps you prioritize.

Monique Volz morning beauty products.
Monique Bolz Skin Care Serum

Describe your morning beauty routine from start to finish.

There are two products I currently use before I start my day. Dr. Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine SPF blended with Dennis Gross’ daily peel pad and organic rosehip seed oil is used. If I don’t have anywhere to be, I keep a fresh face without makeup, which I think is essential for clear skin! Still, I change it often. I love keeping my skin hydrated and glowing.

Monique Volz opens the refrigerator.

What do we always find in our refrigerator?

Siggi yogurt, California roasted coconut almond milk blend, Persian cucumber, sambal urek, beetroot bean paste, Honeycrisp apples, Siggi yogurt, cottage cheese, pickled jalapeños and assorted fresh fruit.

Do you exercise in the morning?

I used to exercise almost every day, but now the focus has shifted to how often I exercise. I do high-intensity strength training three days a week and walk as much as possible the other days.

Monique Bolz Smoothie

What do you eat for breakfast?

For breakfast, I usually enjoy baked oatmeal or a smoothie. Lately I’ve been loving mine. Blueberry Muffin Smoothie Or mine Lemon Poppyseed Blueberry Baked Oatmeal.

Ambitious kitchen cat.
An ambitious kitchen coffee nook.

What’s your favorite prep soundtrack?

my Spotify playlist. Most of the time I like to keep it cold.

What is always on your bedside table?

My Hydroflask water bottle and a good hand or body lotion. (great Necessia body lotion!)

ambitious kitchen cookbook
Monique Volz Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook

I took an hour to focus on self-care and self-health, everything I needed to fill my cup. To be honest, I’d rather go for a long bike ride by the lake every morning, have coffee with a friend or my mom, or take a fun exercise class.

What are one or two things you do every day to live a more enjoyable life?

Put your phone away when your presence is important, like eating dinner or playing with the kids. I always feel more joyful and present when I don’t have my phone with me. No need to take it out to capture the moment. The moment simply exists and I am there to capture it all!

If you could define your success in one thing, what would it be?

Determination and ambition. I just want to be successful at what I do and figure out what that looks like for me and how to do it. And never, ever give up.

Monique Volz working on her laptop

Sentence finisher:

I never leave home without: SPF.

If I had more hours in the day I would: Practice more self-care.

Healthiest Morning Habits: Go for a walk within 1-2 hours after waking up.

Worst morning habits: You don’t drink enough water and you drink a lot of coffee.

One thing I want to be known for is: Inspire others to do their best.

The one thing I fear most is: Losing a loved one.

When I feel that fear, I: Focus on the present.

Here are some books I always recommend: Your body keeps score.

One trait you need to be successful in life is: Be yourself and live your truth.

Bath or shower? What is your favorite bath product? tub. Love Epsom or magnesium baths!

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