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MoveOn Member Newsletter August 2024

11 Min Read

In this issue

2024 Election Program: Restoring Abortion Access, Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth, and More!

A message from MoveOn’s Executive Director, Rahna Epting

As the Executive Director of MoveOn, it is one of my greatest joys to speak to you and MoveOn members. I am inspired by your efforts to build a better future through one rally, one phone call, one donation, one petition signature. You have shown time and time again that you care about your families, your communities, and future generations. It is an honor to work with you to build a more just country. A country where we can all thrive.

I hope you feel inspired as you read this newsletter. All of the achievements described are a testament to the incredible progress you have made as one of MoveOn’s most dedicated supporters. Together, we will achieve progressive victory in this critical election year and beyond.

Trump is not above the law

MoveOn members have long been at the forefront of holding Donald Trump accountable. In 2017, we protested his executive order banning people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. In 2018, we condemned him for separating immigrant children from their families. In 2020, we condemned his disastrous coronavirus response. In 2021, we condemned him for encouraging the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Over the past 12 months, more than 500,000 MoveOn members have signed petitions calling on the Secretary of State, state officials, and Congress to disqualify Trump from office under the 14th Amendment. After Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in New York, MoveOn members began demanding a fair and just sentence that reflects the severity of his crimes. More than 120,000 MoveOn members ordered stickers reminding voters that no one is above the law after his conviction. They came together to show that Trump must be held accountable and not be re-elected in November.

Hundreds of thousands of MoveOn members signed a petition demanding a trial and sentencing before Election Day. This June, MoveOn Atlanta Journal-Constitution As Trump’s trial in Georgia continues to drag on, MoveOn members are targeting the Georgia Court of Appeals, demanding that the courts overseeing Trump’s criminal trial and appeals stop the delays, because voters deserve a full accounting of his crimes before Election Day. MoveOn is amplifying its members’ voices through social media and media engagement.

We are working together to make sure voters across the country know that Trump was convicted and what vile policies he would implement if he wins a second term, so that he can’t get into the White House.

Restoring Access to Abortion

MoveOn members are fighting to end the ban on abortion and restore access to abortion. Two years ago, the Trump-controlled Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark case protecting abortion rights in the United States. Since then, right-wing anti-abortion laws have been passed in state after state. These efforts to ban abortion and criminalize those who seek and provide abortions are wreaking havoc on people across the country.

MoveOn members urged Congress to vote yes on the Contraception Rights Act, a bill that would codify the constitutional right to contraception. In May, MoveOn members hosted more than 100 abortion rights-themed election parties across the country.

Abortion is a key issue in MoveOn’s election campaign. And we’re working to drive out anti-abortion extremists in the 2024 elections. One in eight voters of all ages says abortion is the most important issue to them. Research shows that these voters are Black voters, Democratic voters, women voters, and the youngest group of voters, those ages 18 to 29. MoveOn is helping to motivate voters, convince them that their votes matter, and get them to the polls to elect leaders who will protect our freedom to make decisions about our future and our right to reproductive care.

MoveOn’s Member-Driven 2024 Election Program

MoveOn’s greatest strength is the grassroots power of its millions of MoveOn members. In this pivotal election year, with the MAGA Republican Party threatening our rights and freedoms more than ever, MoveOn members are leading the way to victory by getting out early and making a big impact in November.

MoveOn’s analytics team has identified 1.5 million voters in key states and districts who support the Democratic Party but do not vote consistently. MoveOn members are reaching out to these “surging” voters in three ways: sending postcards, making phone calls, and visiting their homes.

Members invite friends, family, and the community to join in the effort by providing information and fun activities at election parties. These parties are focused on long-term and quick-response issues, including abortion rights, Pride Month, and Trump’s conviction. In just a few months, MoveOn members hosted approximately 300 parties, mailed 23,374 postcards, and made phone calls to 57,624 voters.

MoveOn is implementing paid communications and traditional rapid response campaigns to expand its member-centric voter outreach program. This included a robust digital advertising campaign, leveraging MoveOn’s social media presence and team of micro-influencers, and sharing meaningful and compelling stories from MoveOn members to explain why the election was important to them.

MoveOn’s 2024 campaign is strategically designed to secure the presidency and the Democratic triumvirate, and protect democracy from Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

MoveOn members have endorsed 30 progressive candidates for Congress so far this year. Members respond to a survey to decide which candidates MoveOn will endorse. MoveOn will only endorse a candidate if a majority of its members in that area approve of the endorsement.

In May Maryland MoveOn members have endorsed Angela Allsbrooks in a crucial race to keep the Democratic majority in the Senate. Alsobrooks reports that she is “thrilled to have MoveOn and its strong grassroots membership base with me in this fight.” Other supporters include Rep. Andy Kim, who is running for Senate in New Jersey, and Rep. Summer Lee, who is up for reelection in Pennsylvania.

For over 25 years, MoveOn members have been at the forefront, mobilizing at key moments and committing to long-term fights. We’ve faced and overcome big challenges before. Together, we can do it again.

“When I first heard about MoveOn, I knew it was something I needed to do and support. I’ve been a MoveOn member for over 20 years and I’ve been very happy with the priorities and strategies that MoveOn has taken. And the name MoveOn. One of the great things about MoveOn is that it keeps moving. It doesn’t stand still. A lot of organizations do the same thing every year. MoveOn surprises me because we don’t move. We keep moving!”

– Bob R., MoveOn member and supporter

Register to vote in 2024

Join our Vote Now community in November to protect and win democracy! The MoveOn team will train you to bring your community together and reach voters. As a volunteer election program leader, you will lead efforts to reach voters in your area and across the country. And you will meet other MoveOn members who share your commitment to fighting for progress. Join us

Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth

Generation Rainbow is an online space created by MoveOn where queer people and their allies can take action against the Republican Party’s attacks on LGBTQ+ people. The MAGA Republicans have escalated their bigoted attacks on LGBTQ+ rights. This year alone, more than 500 anti-gay and anti-transgender laws have been introduced in states and legislatures. From bathroom bans to book bans to drag bans, they have scapegoated, harassed, and marginalized the LGBTQ+ community, especially transgender people. Together, we will elect leaders who will drive them out and protect the unique human rights of all people. Learn more, take action, and check out our Pride merch collection at

“As an organizer for MoveOn, I am so inspired by the passion and compassion of our members as they organize during Pride Month to advocate for equality in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. MoveOn members are excited to take action.

Kathy from Beaverton, Oregon is one of our amazing MoveOn members! She hosted an amazing phone banking event where she brought together 12 volunteers to talk to voters. They had over 200 conversations!

This is the activism we need in 2024, to confront the hate and divide our country, and to defeat Donald Trump.”

–Christian P., Pacific Coast Field Organizer

MoveOn members are the driving force behind our impact. This newsletter celebrates the incredible progress your generosity has made.

Thank you for everything you have done. To protect democracy and lead the resistance against the radical right. With your support, we are building a better future rooted in equality, sustainability, justice, and love.

Not a MoveOn member yet? Join now!

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