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Nearly 50% of U.S. Cancer Deaths Are Preventable, Study Finds: ScienceAlert

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Modifiable risk factors ranging from cigarette smoking to lack of exercise may account for nearly half of cancer-related deaths among American adults age 30 and older, according to a new study that analyzed 1.78 million cases in 2019.

The message from the study, led by a team from the American Cancer Society (ACS), is clear: Individually and collectively, our chances of getting cancer and dying from the disease can be greatly reduced by making simple decisions to live healthier lives and improve access to health care.

“A large number of cancer cases and deaths in the United States are attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors, highlighting the potential to substantially reduce the cancer burden through broad and equitable implementation of prevention initiatives.” write According to the researchers, their published study results:

In 19 of the 30 cancer types studied, more than half of the cases and deaths were due to potentially modifiable risk factors.

The study authors highlighted three areas in particular where there was a strong link between cancer risk and factors largely within our control: smoking, being overweight, and cancer-related viruses that can be prevented (such as hepatitis B).

Cigarette smoking accounted for the largest proportion of all cases, at 19.3%. Being overweight was second, at 7.6%, followed by alcohol consumption (5.4%), exposure to ultraviolet light (4.6%), and lack of physical activity (3.1%).

Of course, cancer is always a complex mix of factors, and the extent to which lifestyle choices can mitigate risk varies depending on the type of cancer.

The research team found that in the case of cervical cancer, the incidence rate due to modifiable risk factors was 100%, because the risk could essentially be eliminated through vaccination.

The most common cancer in terms of number of cases is lung cancer, with 104,410 cases in men and 97,250 cases in women in 2019 associated with modifiable risk factors.

“These findings highlight the importance of states implementing comprehensive tobacco control policies to promote smoking cessation and strengthening efforts to increase screening for early detection of lung cancer, when treatment may be more effective.” Say Farhad Islami, a cancer epidemiologist with the American Cancer Society (ACS).

“Interventions that help people maintain a healthy weight and diet could also significantly reduce the nation’s cancer incidence and deaths.”

Genetic and environmental factors can also affect someone’s chances of developing cancer. Essentially, the disease involves uncontrolled cell division, causing abnormal growth that can directly damage organs or cause dangerous imbalances in biological functions.

Although treatment options are improving over time, Recovery rates are risingThis new study is an important warning about how many cancers could be prevented by quitting smoking, controlling one’s weight, taking sun protection measures and cutting down on alcohol consumption.

“These results highlight the need to continue to increase equitable access to preventive health care and awareness of preventive measures.” Say Amedine Jemal, a cancer epidemiologist at ACS.

This study was published in: CA: Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

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