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Notes from a long-time reader

2 Min Read

This email is Political Wire This member really made my day:

I just wanted to write to you to thank you for your excellent reporting on one of the craziest political events of my life!

Some days are easier than others at work, and some days are tough because you have to work 16 hours. But the great thing is, you can enjoy it. Political Wire Both days appear differently.

On a light day, I can jump into the comments section with PW regulars and have a deep discussion about the day’s issues with some of the smartest and most creative people I know (virtually). The discussion boards are so great that when I read an article, I often find myself thinking, “Would Rhysem come up with that?”, “Sassy would never approve of such nonsense!”, or “Oh my… Cedric would definitely have an opinion on this!”

It’s amazing how wealthy that community is!

But on my harder days, I really rely on PW. On days when I’m working 16 hours, I don’t have time to dig deep, so I need to read the main stories in a concise format. For that reason, PW has always been my go-to news site.

But what really helps me stay informed while the world goes crazy is subscriber content. The “Let me recap this crazy train” post for subscribers is something I scan every 50 posts since I checked in. At least I get to see some of the events shaping the world from a voice I trust. Subscriptions are worth every penny!

I just wanted to say thank you and tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading your posts over the past 25 years!

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