Ukraine’s rhetoric is the best. The change of the president of the policy is left as a weapon in the United States (and some areas of Europe). Opponent and debate appear to be ruled. Where is the truth? You can reverse 25 years to provide answers. Immediately after the study of the thesis, overseas still started a second research project on human trafficking and prostitution in the Middle East and North Africa, and then began repeatedly repeated (canceled as a project for obvious reasons). To this end, I had an informal preliminary interview with several prostitutes and several managers (men and women who are informally called “pimps”). A few additional people gathered in the conversation to informally gather. Most of them were good enough people. For them it was an industry. As I sometimes mentioned to the students, when we go out of the world, there are times when we see that in comparison politics, sometimes we don’t want to know.
The results of the meeting were a single claim that Ukraine was always a major intersection of human trafficking for slavery, along with the main intersection of human trafficking for slavery between men and women in the north and west, or the final destination of MENA. I did not ask for male slavery (or sex trade) for labor. But if a woman comes from the northern hemisphere in Asia, Europe, East and West, they have traveled in Ukraine or in Ukraine. Most of the women I found were Russia or Eastern Europe, and all the general agreements traveled through Ukraine. Ukrainian Last “HerbBefore going back to the south, map and travel to Mena (see, see Ukraine’s non-middle school trafficking, title and 11-12 pages). Many women in the “industry” claimed to be Ukrainians when they came out of Russia and other places. In that way, if something goes wrong, you will return to Ukraine from a place where you can be trafficked or return home elsewhere.
Data source information is rare to check or refute these accounts. However, Ukraine is displayed as follows: 4th In Europe and Central Asia We have slaves within our own national territory. 7th 2018 (The number is much larger Nearby Turkmenistan and nearby BelorusiSee page 92-93). More accounts appear Trafficking and sex trade In the context of Ukraine in domestic terms.
Compared to my disappointment in the short -term research project mentioned above, I found that one of the “managers” is a distant cousin known to me. Many people need to function this global industry. We are probably some kind of relative, or unconsciously related to it. Some are forced to be and some are willing to go. We may never know. (I also have saints and Buddhist monks.) In relation to the research report, he and I and I can say that he and I have a few words on the general recommendation of human trafficking and gender trade as an appropriate industry for the time and effort I have been educated. He gave me a passionate legitimacy for his work -he treated women nicely and said that others would not. And he told me that this research project was too dangerous to me. Others may have no patience, and I couldn’t protect me from my own honesty. I was grateful for advice. I have been very grieved in the state of the world that remains with the dominant power of women and men with many human trafficking and slavery, and it seems to reflect a large portion of the total domestic products in some countries. In this context, the GDP figure is usually hidden with masks. Most of the sources I can find indicate that women are unbalanced worldwide by human trafficking and sex trade. However, it should be noted that men are also affected.
His explanation corresponds to the roughly found content. Other accounts About ~ Trafficking and Sexual trade In the industry. The story of men is terrible, but I limit my opinion to women. Improvement is thought from the point of view of the northern hemisphere of Asia and Europe. We receive a much less report. The opportunity, the rules of the region, the local tirani or all of the above are so serious in some areas of the world, so when the “administrator” reaches “opportunities”, it is sometimes hidden and sometimes provides human trafficking, sometimes providing human trafficking and offering sexual activity. Life. But what is easy to get desolate and serious disease can be better than what they can use, even in consideration of the hidden quadrant and even physical torture. Most of us live peacefully in this world society and we do not know such conditions.
It has been passed in recent years. When I spent a few weeks in Eastern Europe, I have a conversation with Ukrainian leaders. I asked him about Ukraine as a human trafficking and a sex trade hub in the north and west. I asked: Why is there no more agriculture? Why isn’t it high tech? Why not Nothing Is it more healthy and inappropriate than the trafficking of slaves for labor and/or sex trade? He told the Ukrainians that they could not request more agriculture to Ukrainians after many years of group agricultural farms under the Soviet rule. Some still felt a deep emotional aversion regarding agricultural labor. They preferred to use slaves (I was not sure if he was stimulated or talking about a simple fact). Not everyone loves agricultural labor (like me, I grew up on a small unofficial farm). Those who could do so did so. High Tech? The technology was there, but it did Not enough Do not use Ukraine in this way. This special illegal transaction was no different from the drug transaction, and the leader was average. Some people had no willingness to reject. Did Ukraine react in the industry or “tax income”? There is no answer. What As a refuge, Ukraine, Playground or organizational stage- Non -state actor? There is no answer.
The agricultural sector is an important industry in Ukraine. According to the World Bank, it is represented 60.3% of product exports (Some other sources are making something in the 40’s in the 40’s, while agriculture is less than 7.4% of Ukrainian gross domestic product (the number of dollars in the United States is slightly larger than the position of the United States). 12% of the Ukrainian economy. Ukrainian economy is 57th In the worldPlace several points from Ethiopia. The country 42nd From the population. That is, it is medium or slander range economy The population has a slightly larger population than the nearby Uzbekistan. This number is not impossible, but proposes obstacles to expand the economy through legal means.
On the other hand, Ukraine’s informal economy It is expected to make 44%. Ukraine’s total domestic production (see page 24). This number suggests a serious threat to law and order across the border with Ukraine.
Regarding human trafficking and gender trade, overall stories appeared in limited and preliminary sources in short -term studies 25 years ago. (1) If there is a demand, there will be supply (e.g. full factor). (2) In some regions of the world, if the tyranny and random rules are large, the UN universal human rights declaration will be given a chance for some women to leave. And (3), the answer is the same in places with little chance (e.g. push factors). Some women will still be able to see themselves in the “important” circle, so they will dream that they can be “discovered” next Marilyn. Regarding the push (eg, distributed) and pulling (e.g. attractive and absorption) elements in the legitimate migration process Everette Lee.
Where people still recoil and restore.Group ”farm (Slave Farm) There is an option to make more money with trafficking and sex trade under the Soviet Union, so you can use this method rather than legitimate industries. And it is important to remember that most people in the industry (both sex trade workers and managers) can be under intimidation.
We have techniques and IQ points to modify these conditions. Where is your will? If the wind of conflict finds the way to our own door, the will is stronger. Appears I’m going to do it now (Pay attention to Zelensky’s opinion, which predicts that the United States will feel the influence of war in the future). Perhaps we can solve the problem of roots rather than going to the World War with positive results for others.
Russia is no longer the Soviet Union. I can understand why Ukraine’s development from crossing the border to the territory. Crime varieties: crime and anxiety. How can we ask the government’s responsibility for areas related to illegal human trade as a global community, which can be opposed independently and the laws of the government so as not to say anything about international law and treaty? I can understand the Ukrainian sensitivity to group farms and the surprisingly many informal sectors about the Ukrainian economy. If the number is in Mena, it will represent a wide range of small products and parts of the population in the local market. The government decided to leave alone And not deleted. In the context of Europe or Soviet, it almost definitely means illegal market. The illegal market means a crime. And crime cannot continue, or we can all suffer.
Trafficking and gender trade are a problem in many countries and are almost always related to other kinds of illegal transactions and criminal groups. The United States has its own problems with drug trade and illegal smuggling for drug trading, slavery and sex slavery, and human trafficking, which is completely illegal and has nothing to do with the government’s public offering. A The percentage of the US populationThe raw number is very small (in 2018, there are 319,929,000 slaves in 2018. 76 See, See, See, See, Ukraine has 44,658,000 slaves in 2018. See page 93.
Encourage the expansion of the LICIT economic sector elsewhere in Ukraine and people under similar conditions. Do anything to encourage legitimate industries. As you can see from illegal drug transactions, the illegal industry ends in an internationally, cunning and sometimes terrible way. If you are witty, Sandy Tree is A Main problem Specific historical Moment and locale; It influenced women’s safety, travel, ability to work in labor, and the ability to move in the public area. It made women depend on men (there is no exception or perhaps the exception. Disaster Janes and Annie Oakley Similar to the historical wild west of the United States. And it partially made men’s life shorter for regular encounters with crime. Then we hope that we will not return to 18 with a new slippery And 19th Century standard.
Additional reading of electronic international relations